There are currently fewer organ donors than last year

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Stuttgart – There were slightly fewer organ donors in the first four months of 2024 than in the same period in 2023. Preliminary statistics recorded 292 post-mortem organ donors nationwide from January to April, which is 19 fewer than in 2023, according to the German Organ Transplant Foundation (DSO) announced today in Stuttgart.

There are 888 donor bodies for the international placement agency Eurotransplant was reported; In 2023, there were 954 in the first four months. There are currently almost 8,400 patients in Germany waiting for a suitable organ donor, said Baden-Württemberg Health Minister Manne Lucha (Greens).

He called for more educational work in preparation for the national day of action for organ donation on June 1. “No one should die just because there are not enough organ donations in this country,” he emphasized. Organ donation day will open centrally in Freiburg this year.

Lucha also spoke out in favor of introducing a solution for objections, as applied in some European countries. This would mean that everyone is initially considered a potential organ donor unless they object.

However, the Bundestag recently decided to take a different approach and launched an organ donation register. All citizens can now register online, whether they want to be an organ donor or not. This requires identification via the digital ID card function.

A special person only yesterday drew attention to organ donation Tattoo campaign in the Bundestag. © kna/

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