Federal Council approves self-determination law

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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/image alliance, Kay Nietfeld

Gender entries in Berlin could be changed more easily in the future: the basis for this is the new self-determination law, which the Federal Council finally approved today. The Self-Determination Law replaces the controversial Transsexuals Law, parts of which were rejected by the Federal Constitutional Court.

In the future, transgender, intersex and non-binary people of legal age will be able to make the desired changes to their gender request with a simple declaration at the registry office.

For children under 14, parents must be able to present the necessary declaration at the registry office. Young people aged 14 and over can do it alone, but only with their parents’ consent. In both cases, however, a prior consultation statement is required.

There is no limit to how often the gender input can be changed. However, there must be a lock-in period of one year. Only then will another change be possible. There is a three-month deadline for the change in gender entry to take effect.

The previous 1980 transgender law stipulated that those affected must submit two psychological reports to change their sex or name.

In the end, the responsible district court ruled. However, parts of the regulations have now been rejected by the Federal Constitutional Court. Affected people often viewed previous regulations as humiliating and discriminatory. © afp/aerzteblatt.de

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