Scientific evaluation of individual health services

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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The internet portal has been evaluating individual healthcare services (IGeL) from doctors since 2012. The work is carried out in accordance with scientific standards.

The essentials in summary:

  • IGeL Monitor is an information portal for the Federal Medical Service (MD-Bund).
  • IGeL monitor assessments are intended to support policyholders in making informed decisions with their doctor.
  • Each assessment is based on systematic research and evaluation of scientific literature.

Who is behind the IGeL monitor?

O IGeL Monitor was initiated by the Medical Service of the umbrella association of the Federation of Health Insurance Funds (MDS) and has been evaluating individual health services since 2012. Since January 2022, it has been continued by the Federal Medical Service as the legal successor to the MDS.

An interdisciplinary team is responsible for the specific implementation and creation of IGeL assessments. It is made up of doctors in the field of evidence-based medicine and public relations staff. The project is supported in terms of content by external scientists.

The IGeL monitor works according to the principles of evidence-based medicine (EbM). This means that the best available knowledge from clinical research is combined with medical expertise.

How are ratings created?

O IGeL-Monitor evaluates the doctor’s office self-payment services that are relevant and frequently used. The evaluation of each individual IGeL follows a defined process: the benefits and harms of an IGeL are analyzed with the help of scientific studies. The IGeL monitor reaches a final assessment weighing the benefits and harms. There are 5 evaluation statements:

  1. “positive”
  2. “tends to be positive”
  3. “it is not clear”
  4. “tends to be negative”
  5. “negative”

The vast majority of reviews are “unclear” or “tend to be negative”.

What does the IGeL monitor criticize?

In a representative survey, IGeL Monitor 2020 determined the 10 best-selling IGeL (“IGeL Report”). Conclusion: Intraocular pressure measurement would still be at the top Early detection of glaucoma and the Ultrasound of the ovaries for early detection of cancer. In both cases, the potential harm outweighs the benefit.

According to the IGeL Monitor, the top 10 performers are listed as classified as “negative” or “tends to be negative”. Ultrasonography of the ovaries for early detection of cancer is even a service that is not recommended by the professional association of gynecologists. Because studies haven’t shown any benefit. Instead, false positive results can cause unnecessary concern and, in the worst case, lead to the removal of healthy ovaries.

In addition to the two IGeLs mentioned, the most offered and accepted services include abdominal ultrasound and the PSA test for early detection of prostate cancer in men.

Current status of assessments

The IGeL monitor so far offers an evaluation of 62 services (as of May 2024). So far there have been the following analyses:

  • positive: 0
  • tends to be positive: 2
  • unclear: 23
  • tends to be negative: 24
  • negative: 4
  • no ratings: 9

Non-assessment assessments include, for example, travel medical precautions, certificates and sports reports or checks.

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