This is how much 1 liter currently costs

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Berlin. The price of heating oil appears to be robust. What trend can be expected? Our overview shows current heating oil prices as of today (June 3).

An analysis of market developments in recent weeks shows that, despite the many international crises that could seriously disrupt the global exchange of goods, the price of heating oil is falling. Despite increases in the CO2 rate and additional toll fees, the Heating oil prices stable. But should you order now or wait for another price drop? How much heating oil Today, June 3rd, read our overview.

Heating oil prices on June 3: How much does a liter of heating oil currently cost

Depending on the supplier, heating oil prices may vary slightly. There are also different types of heating oil – you have to pay more for premium oil than for the standard version. However, there are average values ​​that consumers should know for comparison. The table shows the prices per liter multiple suppliers and comparison portals. But the same applies here: the Heating oil prices change regularly. We update the table daily.

Tecson esioil
Heating oil prices on May 28 1.00 euros 0.96 euros
Heating oil prices on May 29 1.01 euros 0.97 euros
Heating oil prices on May 30 1.01 euros 0.96 euros
Heating oil prices on May 31 1.01 euros 0.96 euros
Heating oil prices from June 3 0.99 euros 0.95 euros

Suitable for: Heating oil prices until May 31

O Heating oil prices have recently changed only to a small extent. But even small fluctuations can make a difference: if you order 3,000 liters, a price difference of just three cents for the entire order is equivalent to at least 90 euros.

Read too: Heating oil prices in 2024 – industry source gives first forecast

Current heating oil prices: expert ranks

“The German heating oil market follows the weak guidelines of international guidelines”, explains expert Steffen Bukold in his Comment on “esyoil”. Thus, a new annual minimum was reached and the lowest level since last summer. He advises consumers: “One price drop follows the next. Anyone who wants to place an order will currently find ideal conditions.”

products Price
US crude oil US$77.09 per barrel
North Sea Oil US$81.22 per barrel
Diesel (Diesel) US$732.75 per ton
1€ = US$1.08

Data comes from HeizOel24 (as of June 3, 2024)

Heating oil prices overview: forecast and development – ​​this is what you should pay attention to now

Predicting heating oil prices is difficult – especially because international crises and pricing factors are difficult to calculate. Heating oil prices from recent months and years provide guidance. Heating oil tends to be more expensive in cold months because demand is high. Cheap offers for consumers with a Oil heating are available in spring and summer. In the table below we have the averages Heating oil prices of the last twelve months.

Date Heating oil prices per liter
15th of June 0.89 euros
July 15 0.91 euros
August 15th 1.05 euros
September 15th 1.15 euros
October 15th 1.15 euros
November 15th 1.09 euros
December 15th 1.05 euros
15. January 1.02 euros
February 15th 1.05 euros
March, 15 1.01 euros
April 15th 1.04 euros
15th May 1.01 euros

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In addition to the order time, the supplier also plays an important role. Many owners and… Owner order from your regular retailer – proximity to your home is often a reason. But it’s worth making a comparison, especially in times of fluctuating energy prices. Comparison portals like “esyoil” can help. The cheapest offer is determined based on information such as zip code and quantity needed. In addition to heating oil costs, you should always be aware of possible additional costs, such as a flat fee per kilometer.

Heating Oil Price FAQs

What factors determine the price of heating oil?

Heating oil prices are influenced by several factors – including:

  • International Crude Oil Prices
  • Exchange rates
  • demand and supply
  • Weather situations, such as heat
  • Political events such as the conflict in Ukraine

Why do heating oil prices fluctuate?

Heating oil prices can fluctuate a lot – also because they are closely linked to crude oil prices on international markets. These, in turn, can be strongly influenced by global events, such as political instability, weather conditions, changes in financing policies and changes in demand.

How can I reduce heating costs?

There are several options – these include:

  • Improving the energy efficiency of the home – for example, through insulation
  • The use of energy-saving devices and lamps
  • Regular maintenance of the heating system
  • Conscientious management of ambient temperature

When is the best time to order heating oil?

In general, heating oil prices can often be lower in the summer. During these months demand tends to be lower than in winter. However, it is important to note that other factors, such as geopolitical events or changes in crude oil production, may influence this general trend.

Where can I find the current price of heating oil?

Current heating oil prices can be found on various comparison portals. Local heating oil dealers can also provide information. Attention: The information is always up to date and may change.

Does it make sense to order large quantities of heating oil?

Buying heating oil in bulk can often result in lower prices. Because many suppliers offer a volume discount. However, you must also take storage capacities and consumption into consideration.

How do currency fluctuations affect heating oil prices?

Given that crude oil is generally traded in US dollars on the global market, exchange rate fluctuations can have an impact on heating oil prices. For heating oil customers, this means: if the euro appreciates against the US dollar, this could make heating oil cheaper for eurozone consumers – and vice versa.

How can I protect myself from rising heating oil prices?

Some heating oil retailers offer contracts through which consumers can agree a fixed price for a specific quantity of delivery over a specific period of time. This can protect against future price rises – but it also carries the risk of having to pay more if heating oil prices fall again. Furthermore, efficient heating systems and good insulation can reduce fuel consumption and therefore fuel costs.

How useful are online price comparisons for heating oil?

Online heating oil price comparisons can be very useful for getting an overview of current prices from different suppliers. They allow you to find the cheapest offer and check whether prices in the respective region correspond to the general market trend. However, in addition to the price, the quality of the heating oil and the reliability of the supplier must also be taken into account. Sometimes there may be additional costs, such as delivery fees, which are not always included in the original price.

What should you pay attention to when ordering heating oil?

Heating oil customers should consider several points when ordering – these are:

  1. Current heating oil prices and possible price changes
  2. Expected consumption and storage capacity
  3. The quality of the heating oil Quality of the heating oil – must meet the requirements of the heating system
  4. Extra costs such as additional delivery fee may apply.
  5. The supplier must be reliable and the delivery process must go smoothly – good preparation is important

How does the price of CO2 affect heating oil prices?

The price of CO2 certificates is an important factor in the cost of fossil fuels – including heating oil. If companies have to pay for their CO2 emissions, this will lead to higher costs for the production and supply of heating oil. Companies often pass these additional costs on to consumers. Therefore, an increase in the price of CO2 could also cause heating oil prices for homeowners to increase. Economical heating systems or purely renewable systems such as a heat pump can be an alternative.

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