Causes of excessive sweating | Hyperhidrosis

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Sweating is a natural process and serves mainly to regulate body temperature, in order to protect the body from overheating.

On the one hand, it could be certain diseases. An overactive thyroid can cause increased sweating, as can diabetes, obesity, menopause, narrowed coronary arteries or neurological diseases.

Hyperhidrosis is the technical term for excessive sweating. In this case, sweating is not a symptom, but the disease itself. The production of sweat glands is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. When stimulated, it sends impulses to the sweat glands. The nerve fibers responsible for the nervous system have their origin in a cord of nerve cells (ganglia). Excessive sweating is likely a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Increased sweating can soften calluses on affected parts of the body. This makes it easier for pathogens to penetrate the skin, infections can occur, fungi can colonize and cause inflammation in the skin. People who sweat excessively in their armpits often have bad body odor because, on the one hand, there are odorous glands and, on the other hand, the sweat is broken down by bacteria and therefore gives off an unpleasant smell. Hyperhidrosis is not just an aesthetic problem, but can also have a huge impact on your social and professional situation. The psychological burden of excessive sweating is more significant than the complications of hyperhidrosis. People who sweat excessively often avoid physical contact with others due to insecurity or fear. They often withdraw from society; Depression can be a consequence.

In addition to (anti)perspirants with aluminum salts to contract sweat glands, there are physical, medicinal and surgical treatment therapies.

O medicine with botulinum toxin prevents the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, sweat glands do not receive a signal to produce sweat.

O Physiotherapy is an effective stimulation current therapy for excessive sweating on the hands and feet. Hands or feet are immersed in a water bath through which electricity passes.

For the application of herbal active ingredient Although there is no scientific evidence, sage is considered an antiperspirant and should reduce sweat production.

As surgical treatment If there is heavy sweating in the armpits, face or hands, the nerve pathways can be surgically cut.

To avoid excessive sweating, you should lose excess weight and avoid alcohol, hot spices, coffee, tea and cigarettes if possible because they stimulate sweating. You should also try to avoid stress and other situations of mental tension, such as fear or excitement. They also cause sweating. Choose breathable, lightweight clothing made from natural fibers and air-permeable footwear. Regular visits to the sauna are also suitable to accustom the body to high temperatures. Another measure is regular contrast showers. Deodorants and disinfectant soaps act against the bacterial decomposition of sweat; This prevents the smell of sweat from occurring. If your armpits sweat excessively, shaving your armpit hair will also help prevent the smell of sweat, as odor-causing bacteria accumulates there. Use antiperspirants in the form of powders, creams or solutions that have an antiperspirant effect, contracting sweat glands.

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