Digital education offensive in nursing begins

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Mainz. Rhineland-Palatinate is launching a digital education offensive at the state’s nursing schools. The aim is to anchor digital learning and teaching in nursing training in such a way that the use of digital tools becomes a matter of course for aspiring nurses, explained Social Minister Alexander Schweitzer on Tuesday in Mainz. This applies both to training and later to nursing practice.

Schweitzer referred to the results of the state study “digi2care” from 2023. In addition to improvements in the digital equipment of health schools in Rhineland-Palatinate, the study mainly showed a great need to promote the digital skills of teachers and students. The study was presented last spring and serves as the basis for the project.

Specifically, the educational offensive aims to train around 500 teachers, school administrators and curriculum managers at nursing schools in digital technologies and methods by the end of 2026. The Minister of Social Affairs, Labor and Digitalization announced that in-person events are planned regional and elective modules, which will be supported by videoconferences and tutors. (dpa)

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