Diseases and symptoms during pregnancy

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Other health problems, such as migraines, may improve significantly during pregnancy, and other illnesses may worsen during pregnancy or become dangerous to the fetus. These include, for example, high blood pressure in some women.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a preventive exam should be carried out to determine if it is occurring normally and if there is no ectopic or abdominal pregnancy. Through regular examinations, a number of possible injuries or illnesses in the fetus can be detected in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition to ultrasound examinations, examination methods include amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. The mother’s health is also monitored during exams.

Although pregnancy is not an illness and most women go through pregnancy healthily, in some cases problems arise that can affect the development of the fetus. In rare cases, it can even be fatal for mother and child.

Symptoms appear as the beginning of a gestosisin diabetes or one anemia, then these signs will be recognized and treated immediately. O Pregnancy illness is one of the harmless complaints and is not dangerous. However, if they are constantly unable to keep food down, it poses a threat to the life of the fetus.

Also Bleeding During pregnancy there is always a reason to see a specialist. If this occurs, complications may arise or may be an indication of an impending miscarriage. You should also have a complete exam to rule out infections.

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