12 things to let go in life for personal growth

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Written By Margonoe Tumindax

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The new year is about making promises and resolutions, but we often see these intentions fading within the first month. But this year, let’s make it a bit simpler. Consider letting go of habits that hinder your personal growth instead of making new ones. For instance, not acknowledging your mistakes can impede progress and prevent you from learning new things. So, here are 12 habits worth letting go of to foster personal growth before you enter the new year.

Personal growth is a journey about developing your potential skills and understanding yourself. Besides learning and unlearning certain things, knowing what holds you back and what to let go of is key to determining a path to personal growth and development. Dr Jyoti Kapoor, a certified psychiatrist, shared a few things you might consider releasing from your life to pave the way for positive change and self-development.

12 things to avoid for personal growth

1. Procrastinating things

Procrastination is the thief of time and a barrier on the path to personal development. Overcoming this habit requires cultivating discipline, setting clear goals, and breaking tasks into manageable steps. Let go of the urge to delay and embrace the satisfaction of completing tasks promptly.

Procrastination can impede your work-life balance. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Fear of failure

“Let go of the fear of failure, as it often demotivates us from taking risks and trying new things. Failure is a natural part of the learning process and can lead to valuable insights and growth. So, embrace your mistakes and give yourself opportunities to learn and evolve,” advises Dr Kapoor.

3. Not acknowledging your flaws

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal growth. Acknowledge your flaws, and when you do this, you pave the way for improvement. Recognising areas that need development is the first step towards becoming the person you aspire to be.

4. Waking up late

Proactivity often starts in the first hours of the day. Waking up late can limit your time and productivity. So, wake up early in the morning, allowing yourself to plan your day and execute tasks with a fresh mind.

5. Not getting out of your comfort zone

Growth lies outside your comfort zone. Break free from the familiar and embrace the challenges. Whether it’s learning a new skill, taking on new responsibilities, or engaging in unfamiliar experiences, stepping out of your comfort zone fosters personal development.

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happy woman
Coming out of your comfort zone can help you grow in life! Image courtesy; Shutterstock

6. Having negative self-talk

It happens to most of us. But ladies, your inner dialogue shapes your perception and reality. So let go of self-doubt and negative self-talk. Dr Kapoor says, “Replace self-limiting beliefs with affirmations and positive encouragement. Treat yourself with the kindness and encouragement you would offer a friend.”

7. Not exercising at all

Physical health is intertwined with mental well-being. Regular exercise boosts mood, energy levels, and cognitive function. Let go of a sedentary lifestyle and prioritise physical activity. It’s an investment in your overall health and a key element in personal growth.

8. Living in an unhealthy relationship

Relationships play a significant role in personal growth. Hence, it is high time that you evaluate your relationships and let go of those that are toxic or hinder your progress. Instead, Dr Kapoor suggests, “Surround yourself with supportive individuals who encourage your development and well-being.”

relationship conflicts
Get out of the toxic relationship! Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

9. Looking for perfectionism in everything

Perfectionism can be paralyzing, preventing progress due to an unrealistic pursuit of flawlessness. Let go of the need for perfection and embrace the concept of progress over perfection. Learn from mistakes and celebrate incremental achievements.

10. Holding on to regrets

Regrets can be heavy baggage that hinders personal growth. Reflect on past experiences, learn from them, and then let go of the regret. “Use these lessons as stepping stones toward a brighter future rather than allowing them to anchor you in the past,” says Dr Kapoor.

Also read: 13 tips to release emotional baggage and feel lighter in your heart and mind

11. Being a bad listener

Effective communication is a key skill for personal and professional growth. Let go of the habit of merely hearing others without truly listening. Actively engage in conversations, seek understanding, and be open to different perspectives. Enhancing your listening skills fosters meaningful connections and personal development.

12. Spending a lot of time on social media

While social media has its benefits, excessive use can be detrimental to personal growth. Let go of mindless scrolling and set boundaries for your social media consumption. Allocate that time to activities that contribute to your well-being and development.

Letting go of these twelve habits will help you grow personally and professionally.


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