Vitamin K for skin: Is it the best way to combat signs of ageing?

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Apart from its well-known role in blood clotting, vitamin K is essential for bone health as it aids in calcium regulation. It also contributes to cardiovascular health by preventing the calcification of arteries. In the beauty world, you will find several vitamin K serums and creams. That’s because vitamin K has many benefits for skin, and it just might be the anti-ageing ingredient you have been looking for.

What are the benefits of vitamin K for skin?

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a pivotal role in blood clotting and bone metabolism. It exists in two main forms — K1 (phylloquinone) that is found in green leafy vegetables, and K2 (menaquinone) that is present in fermented foods and animal products.

Vitamin K is good for skin. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Here are some benefits for skin health:

1. Vitamin K helps to reduce dark circles

The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin K make it effective in reducing the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, says Dr Monica Chahar, a dermatologist. By improving blood circulation and reducing capillary leakage, it helps to brighten the under-eye area.

2. Vitamin K helps with wound healing

Vitamin K promotes efficient wound healing by aiding in the blood clotting process. It helps to minimise bruising and accelerates the repair of damaged skin, making it a vital component for those recovering from injuries or surgeries. As per a 2019 study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology, it was found that after the application of a vitamin K cream, skin wounds started healing quickly.

3. Vitamin K alleviates spider veins and bruises

Vitamin K has been shown to strengthen blood vessel walls, making it an important ingredient in reducing the appearance of spider veins and bruises. Regular application can enhance the overall resilience of the skin’s vascular system.

4. Vitamin K minimises scars

Vitamin K aids in preventing excessive scarring by promoting even healing. Applying vitamin K topically can help to fade scars over time, making it an excellent addition to post-surgery or injury skincare routines.

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5. Vitamin K enhances skin elasticity

Collagen, which is a protein crucial for skin elasticity, relies on vitamin K for synthesis, shares Dr Chahar. By supporting collagen production, vitamin K helps to maintain skin firmness and reduces the risk of sagging or wrinkles.

6. Vitamin K has anti-ageing properties

Vitamin K’s ability to combat oxidative stress and inflammation contributes to its anti-ageing properties. Regular use can help to prevent premature ageing, keeping the skin looking youthful and vibrant.

How to include vitamin K in skincare routine?

To harness the benefits of vitamin K for your skin, consider incorporating it through topical application. Look for skin care products containing vitamin K, such as creams, serums or oils. Also, consuming a diet rich in vitamin K1 and K2 sources can contribute to your overall skin health. You can also start eating vegetables such as turnip greens, spinach, kale and broccoli.

leafy green vegetables
Leafy greens are full of vitamin K. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

Are there side effects of vitamin K?

Vitamin K is generally safe for topical use, but people on blood-thinning medications should exercise caution, as vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting, says Dr Chahar. Always consult with a doctor before introducing new skin care products, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Vitamin K may not be in the spotlight as much as other vitamins like C and E, but its impact on skin health can’t be ignored. By understanding its benefits and incorporating it wisely into your skin care routine, you can unlock the potential of this underrated vitamin for healthy and glowing skin.


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