Avoid sunburn with sunscreen

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Our skin is constantly renewing itself from the inside out. Sunlight causes brown pigments to form in the lower layer of the skin, which become visible over the course of a few days.

Tanning and sunburn are caused by ultraviolet (UV) light. Good sun protection products should cover the entire spectrum of UV radiation. Only high-quality products protect against both UV-A and UV-B rays. Depending on our skin type, we can tolerate a few minutes to half an hour of sun exposure without tanning before our skin starts to burn. Sunscreens prolong the time you spend in the sun, but they do not prevent tanning. Prepare particularly sensitive skin for sunbathing. People with sun allergies should start with a few minutes of sun exposure each day. In addition to sun protection, special care products can be applied before sunbathing and reduce the risk of allergies. Make sure your clothing is impervious to UV radiation. Many tourists in southern countries have sunburned through their T-shirts.

Avoid the midday sun! Due to the depletion of the ozone layer, midday sun is harmful to your health, even in our latitudes.

After sunbathing, you should apply rich creams to care for your skin. Products containing vitamin E help to reduce premature skin aging caused by sunbathing. If the skin is burned despite all precautionary measures, it should be cooled quickly. For this purpose, special care products are also available that help the skin recover faster.

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