Washington. Microphone off while the other person is speaking – and no cheats: the rules for a television discussion must be clarified beforehand.
US President Joe Biden and his opponent Donald Trump have agreed on the rules for their first televised duel before the November elections. During the 90-minute prime-time exchange of blows on June 27 (June 28 German time), the microphone of the non-speaking presidential candidate must remain muted.
Who will be on which side of the stage will be decided by draw, as CNN also announced. Biden and Trump must speak freely, are not allowed to take cheat sheets to the pulpit and are only given pens and notepads. They are also prohibited from contact with their campaign teams during both commercial breaks.
The televised duel is unusually taking place without a studio audience — Biden’s campaign team pushed for it, while Trump called for a big event in front of a mass audience “for excitement reasons.” Some of the general conditions are different from those of previous television duels, CNN admitted.
Next TV debate in September
The two moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, “would use every means at their disposal to ensure deadlines were met and a civilized discussion occurred.” Both Democrat Biden and his Republican predecessor Trump agreed to the conditions. It is broadcast from a studio in Atlanta, Georgia.
The next television debate between the two rivals is scheduled for September and will be presented by ABC television. Biden and Trump are not expected to be named their party’s official candidates until July and August at nominating conventions.
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However, due to the lack of competition, there is no serious doubt that they will face each other for the second time in the race for the White House after 2020. The presidential election will take place on November 5th.
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