Brandenburg creates a legal basis for teleemergency doctors

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Potsdam. The legal basis for the introduction of a tele-emergency medical system has now been created in Brandenburg. As “Law implementing the Proportionality Directive and amending other regulations” The state parliament decided that uniform medical tele-emergency systems will be made available across the country in so-called “Integrated Regional Control Centers” (IRLS).

Rescue teams must be able to request teleemergency doctors, if necessary, through digital communication. “With the introduction of a tele-emergency medical system, the existing rescue system is very well complemented and adapted to current technical developments,” said Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens).

“The teleemergency medical system is not intended to replace emergency physicians, but rather to help improve the quickest possible medical care for patients.” This happens with the help of telecommunications, transmission of vital data in real time, voice and, if necessary, eye contact.” .

The country is thus improving patient care in emergencies where every second counts. “The growing shortage of qualified workers also represents a major challenge in the rescue service,” said Nonnemacher. “The introduction of the tele-emergency medical system is therefore of great importance for a sparsely populated state like Brandenburg for several reasons.” (to leave)

The change in detail

The approved law provides for an amendment to the Brandenburg Emergency Services Act (BbgRettGI). In paragraph 3 (definitions), the sentence in paragraph 3 about emergency medical care is added: “A teleemergency medical system may be used to support specialized personnel in action.” “Provisions for the tele-emergency medical system” must now be included. included in the state rescue service plan (paragraph 7).

This regulation of the state rescue service plan (LRDPV) will be changed with the law now approved. Teleemergency medical support is included as an optional provision in the operating principles (paragraph 1). It is also added that the IRLS must also use the emergency medical indications catalog of the Brandenburg State Medical Association for tele-emergency alerts.

New paragraph 7a (tele-emergency medical assistance) stipulates that a framework agreement for tele-applications must be concluded by emergency service providers, medical directors of the emergency service (ÄLRD) and those responsible for costs

  • a uniform procedure for acquiring technology,
  • uniform organizational and process definitions,
  • qualification requirements and additional training,
  • the financing framework,
  • Minimum requirements for data protection and IT security, among others.
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Amendment before introduction in state parliament

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