/altanaka, stock.adobe.com
Berlin – According to the wishes of the Bundestag, children of mentally ill or addicted parents should be better supported and receive more therapy in schools and daycare centers. The members of parliament tabled a corresponding motion last night.
According to the application, among other things, the legal framework should be expanded “to offer needs-based outreach psychotherapeutic care in daycare centers and schools, if this is the only way to ensure that therapeutic care reaches the child – or, in the case of group therapy, the children.”
If parents are addicted or mentally ill, it doesn’t just affect them. Their children are also exposed to various stresses. The application calls for more investment in a support program for young mothers.
The permanent increase in resources for the “Early Aid” fund should be reviewed “so that early aid can be provided based on needs at national level”. This means aid for parents and children from the beginning of pregnancy.
A new federal platform is also being proposed for better exchange between states and municipalities: “Above all, it makes sense for the federal government to more strongly consolidate previous findings.”
This could happen, for example, “in the form of a knowledge platform, regular exchange, the establishment of good advice and educational offers in all federal states and monitoring at national level”. © kna/aerzteblatt.de