Commerzbank current account or comdirect? The conclusion is clear

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Berlin. Commerzbank and comdirect each offer a free current account. We have carefully examined the banks’ conditions.

  • Commerzbank and comdirect belong to the same banking group
  • Account management is free at both banks – conditions apply
  • We compare the conditions of Commerzbank and comdirect

No account management fees, extensive banking apps, and sometimes hefty bonuses for new customers: direct banks like this have been doing it for years IN or the Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB) competition from long-established banks. This also includes comdirect, a subsidiary of Commerzbank. Both banks offer a checking account and are currently advertising 50 euros Initial credits, initial balance. We compare both accounts with each other and with those of other credit institutions on the market.

The criteria:

  1. Account Management Fee
  2. Bank cards
  3. Pay and withdraw money
  4. Overdraft and interest
  5. Conclusion

Commerzbank and comdirect account fees – requirements apply

So much so Commerzbank current account* as well as this Comdirect active checking account*can be used for receipts of more than 700 euros per month or for those under 28 years of age without an account management fee. At comdirect, three are enough Payments per month via Apple or Google Pay or a bond savings plan to use the current account free of charge. Otherwise, 4.90 euros will be due monthly. At Commerzbank it is 9.90 euros if you have less than 700 euros in cash.

Other direct banks do similar things and link free account management to money inflow or age. Also for this ING current account 4.90 euros per month will be due if monthly payment is received less than 700 euros or you are over 27 years old. The DKB sets 4.50 euros under the same conditions.

For consumers with cash inflow under this brand, current accounts with a lower limit or no cash inflow limit are available. This includes that C24 Bank’s “smart” current account* or that “Mobile” current account from 1822direkt*, which can be used for free from just one cent of the money received per month.

Free checking accounts with no cash deposit required:

Commerzbank debit card and comdirect: Retail acceptance problems?

Both Commerzbank and comdirect give Add a debit card to your checking account. A separate debit card can be obtained from comdirect for 99 cents per month. At both banks the cards are issued as Visa or Mastercard debit. However, these are usually not compatible with the EC card system.

Small retailers in particular often only accept EC card payments. The background: Mastercard or Visa cards cost the merchant higher fees rates. That’s why there has always been in the past Reports on major retail debit card issues. If you want to be safe, you should always have enough cash in your pocket – or consider a checking card option when choosing an account.

You can find more tests on various products and trends on the topic page of the Berliner Morgenpost.

Depositing and withdrawing money: a bank checking account has a clear advantage

Commerzbank and comdirekt offer other account models in addition to a standard account. They differ in the scope of services. The comdirect Extra current account includes free real-time transfers and a credit card with monthly billing. The Current Account Plus also includes a travel insurance package. This also applies when paying and withdrawing money. Account Type crucial in comdirect:

Active checking account Additional current account Plus Current Account
Account Management Fee none, as long as the requirements are met 2.90 euros per month 9.90 euros per month
Raise money 3 times a month worldwide 5 times a month worldwide unrestricted worldwide
separate credit card Yes, with installments and extended warranty Yes, with exclusive design and with installments and extended warranty
particularities Free real-time transfers Worry-free travel package with insurance

With the comdirect app you can deposit and withdraw money from more than 12,000 partners across the country. In Ativa and Extra checking accounts, this service is limited to three and five deposits or withdrawals. After that there will be a rate A fee of 4.90 euros is due per transaction. Things are a little different at Commerzbank. There, customers can deposit and withdraw cash free of charge at around 7,000 Cash Group ATMs in Germany and at many business partners.

Unlike comdirect, Commerzbank has a network of branches and cash group partners. This in turn gives it a Advantage compared to many direct banks. But this is not a unique selling point. Santander also has branches in several cities and offers a free checking account. Both banks are suitable for consumers who still pay a lot in cash and value local customer service.

+++ Current Account Topic Page +++

Current account with overdraft: Commerzbank and Comdirect interest on checks

Differences can also be observed with regard to the interest rate on overdrafts. Comdirect sets an effective annual interest rate of 11.46 percent. The credit limit can be extended from 100 euros to up to three times your monthly net income. At Commerzbank, the interest rate on overdrafts depends on the type of account. The “Basic” current account is 12.45 percent. Commerzbank offers the following account types:

Basic checking account Classic Account Premium account
Account Management Fee none, as long as the requirements are met 6.90 euros per month 12.90 euros per month
separate credit card Debit Mastercard for 3.50 euros per month Mastercard debit included Two credit cards, Visa or Mastercard
particularities Deposit and withdraw money for free Two debit and Mastercard debit cards included Travel insurance package and Priority Pass access to over 1,400 airport lounges worldwide
overdraft interest 12.45 percent 11.45 percent 9.90 percent

In addition to the current account, a current account can be opened at both Commerzbank and comdirect. For Daily money at comdirect There is interest of four percent for six months – then 0.75 percent. Commerzbank announces interest of 3.25 percent for the first six months, after which it is 0.50 percent.

Commerzbank current account and comdirect – a conclusion

Commerzbank and comdirect each pay an attractive premium of 50 euros for a current account. When it comes to account management, comdirect is a bit more flexible. For them, payments via Apple Pay or Google Pay are enough to be able to use the current account for free. When it comes to depositing and withdrawing money, Commerzbank has it all. branches and the currency group partners are ahead.

Both banks also offer different account models. There is no clear winner. It depends on what you value in a current account. Anyone who values ​​face-to-face customer advice will be better off with bank branches like Commerzbank. Those who prefer to communicate digitally may find it easier to deal with direct banks. These online banks have the advantage of often being able to offer their financial services a little cheaper because they do not have a branch network.

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