Daily Money Comparison: Best Interest Rates | Stiftung Warentest

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Compare current accounts at Stiftung Warentest and you will find the best and safest offers today. A current account is a credit account at a bank in which savers can invest money. The current account is as flexible as a current account and usually pays better interest than a savings account. Overnight interest rates are generally not fixed and the bank can change the interest rate at any time. The variable interest rate distinguishes daily money from fixed-term money, where interest is fixed for the selected investment period ( Fixed Deposit Comparison). Call money accounts are suitable as a complement to a current account to park money in the short term and create an emergency reserve.

Evolution of interest rates on current accounts

You can graph the development of the average return of the 20 best daily cash offers from our interest duration test. Only offers with a minimum investment of up to 5,000 euros were considered. You can display different periods by selecting the start and end dates.

Why Daily Money Comparison Is Worth It for You

Offers of interest

Current interest rates and returns from 119 daily cash offers. You can also download all data as PDF – to save it on your own computer.


Conditions for five different investment values ​​with the best interest rates depending on the investment value. This is how you find your best current account: you can clearly view and compare up to 20 interest rate offers. You can also find special offers with just one click for minors, for joint accounts, for clubs like this for people in care.

Permanently good

You can filter for checking accounts that have consistently been in the top 20 offers over the last 24 months.

Banks not recommended

After activation, you will have access to a table of foreign banks where Finanztest advises against investing. Many of these offers are offered through interest platforms such as Weltsparen or Zinspilot.

Magazine article in PDF

You will also receive selected articles from Finanztest magazine on the topic “Current money and fixed-term deposits”.

Daily Money Comparison
Test results for 119 daily cash accounts (continuously updated)


Daily Cash: The Best Offer in June 2024

The best overnight cash offer with no time limit is in early June 2024 with an interest rate of 3.75%. But there are also some banks that do not pay interest.

Renaming with consequences

PSA Direktbank has been operating as Stellantis Direktbank since the end of 2023 and has switched from German to French statutory deposit insurance. Like Opel Direktbank (formerly Opel Bank), it is a brand of the German branch of Stellantis Bank. Since then, investments in Stellantis Direktbank and Opel Direktbank have only been protected up to a total of 100,000 euros per person. Investors who have previously invested a total of more than 100,000 euros in both banks must reduce the total investment amount accordingly.

New Daily Cash Offers

We recently added daily cash from Finvesto direct bank. When you open it, the free flexible account is set up as an offset account. The bank, also known as a securities account provider, is a brand of the German bank FNZ. Deposits of up to 100,000 euros are protected by the German Bank Clearing System (EdB). Furthermore, the bank is a member of the voluntary deposit protection fund of the Federal Association of German Banks (BdB). The scope of deposit protection per customer, including legal protection, is at least 750,000 euros per investor.

Liechtensteinische Landesbank offers an attractive overnight interest rate with its digital asset management brand wiLLBe and is thus attracting customers in Germany. Liechtenstein is a very small country with around 39,000 inhabitants and is not a member of the European Union. It is classified as top only by the Standard & Poor’s rating agency, but is not rated by Moody’s and Fitch. That’s why we didn’t include the daily rate in our comparison. We doubt that Liechtenstein’s deposit insurance will be able to compensate all investors in a timely manner in the event of a bank failure.

With its own online presence, Suresse Direkt Bank has been offering interest-bearing investments in Germany for some time. It is a German brand from the Belgian branch of the Spanish Santander Consumer Finance. Deposits are invested in Belgium but are subject to Spanish deposit insurance.

Like Openbank’s Daily Money, the offer was not included in the Stiftung Warentest interest rate test because our experts relied on the Notes for economic strength I doubt that Spanish deposit insurance will be able to compensate savers as quickly as required by EU law in the event of a major bank failure.

No longer in testing

VR Bank Niederbayern-Oberpfalz Daily Money is no longer in the interest rate comparison. Although the bank offers an attractive interest rate to new customers for four months, existing customers’ daily deposits received the wrong interest rate escalator. If a call money has an interest rate escalator in which higher interest is paid for larger amounts, that higher interest must be applied to the entire value of the investment. This is not the case with VR Bank.

Some time ago, we removed the daily money from the Varengold Bank in Hamburg from the comparison. Contrary to our rules, the first 2,500 euros do not earn interest even if the customer has invested larger amounts in the account.

Deposit protection fund: protected up to a maximum of 5 million euros

New maximum limits have been in force in the deposit protection fund of the Federal Association of German Banks since January 2023. For private member banks, 15% of a bank’s responsible equity capital is still protected per customer and bank, but a maximum of just five million euros. From January 1, 2025, this protection should fall to 8.75 percent, for a maximum of three million euros. And at the beginning of January 2030, the maximum limit should be just one million euros. Amounts invested before these deadlines are subject to the old regulations until maturity.

Interest and return

In overnight money offers, there are differences in the frequency of interest payments. Monthly, quarterly or annual interest credits to the current account are common. As interest rates rise, this has a visible impact on the profitability of an investment (return per year).

With an interest rate of 3.0 percent, the return on annual interest credits is also 3.0 percent. If interest is credited quarterly, the return increases to 3.034 percent due to the effect of compound interest over the year, and even to 3.042 percent if interest is credited monthly. It is therefore worth paying attention to the amount of interest credits when choosing daily money.

Daily Money Comparison
Test results for 119 daily cash accounts (continuously updated)


Advantage of Daily Cash: Flexibility

The big advantage of daily money is its flexibility. Investing money in a current account does not have a fixed period. You can access the money at any time. Your checking account is the perfect place to create reserves for unplanned expenses. This will help you avoid paying expensive bank deposits into your checking account Special check interest having to pay.

Stiftung Warentest recommends parking around two to three months’ salary in your daily savings account. Only then will it be possible to continue with the investment in the long term – e.g. Financial Testing Investment Strategy Flip Flops Portfolio.

Other savings offer comparisons on test.de

Fixed deposit. At the Comparison of fixed-term deposits and capitalization bonds You’ll find current interest rates for hundreds of fixed-interest investments with terms ranging from one month to ten years.

Clean interest rate offers. If you are looking for savings offers from banks that apply ethical, ecological and social criteria when granting loans to companies and organizations and investing in securities, you will find them at Compare clean interest rate offers.

What to look for when closing a deal: Deposit insurance

Legal deposit protection across the European Union (EU) is 100,000 euros per investor and bank. Special considerations apply to some banks in Great Britain and Sweden due to exchange rate fluctuations. Many credit institutions operating on the German market guarantee much higher amounts through additional security systems. Stiftung Warentest currently only recommends banks Top-rated EU countries all three major rating agencies Fitch, Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s ( This is how we tested). The same applies to countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) if they insure at least 100,000 euros through their own protection schemes. Exception: Sweden compensates the equivalent of 1.05 million crowns. Banks in Great Britain are also included, although in the event of bankruptcy the equivalent of a maximum of 85,000 pounds sterling would be compensated.

Currently thanks to the help of our readers

We always collect daily cash terms directly from banks at the end of the month. Credit institutions will notify us directly of any changes in terms that occur between two surveys. As soon as we are aware of the changes, they will be promptly incorporated into our database. If your bank notifies you of a change to terms and conditions that we have not yet registered, we will be happy to hear from you: zinsconditionen@stiftung-warentest.de. Thank you for your support.

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