Emergency, digital, organ donation, public health:…

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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/ alliance image, dts agency

Berlin At its meeting tomorrow, in addition to the much-discussed resolution on the budget for 2025, the Federal Cabinet also approved four laws from the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) on the agenda.

According to government circles, these are the emergency law, the law on living organ donation and the law on the digital health agency. Also on the agenda will be the law on strengthening public health, which will create the Federal Institute for Prevention and Education in Medicine (BIPAM).

With this name, the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) and parts of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) can be summarized. In the emergency law, the role of consultation service centers (TSS) should be strengthened, as provided for in the bill.

It has been heard in Bundestag circles that a reform of the emergency services would be introduced into this law through amendments by Parliament. The plans for this will be presented in Berlin next Thursday.

Today it was not yet clear whether the Pharmaceutical Reform Act, against which pharmacists are currently protesting, would also be on the agenda of the cabinet meeting as the fifth BMG law. Government circles said that this would still have to be examined by the Federal Ministry of Justice.

The next cabinet meeting is scheduled for August 21. According to the provisional agenda, which… German medical journal is available, the federal government also plans to publish its responses to the demands of the federal states on the Hospital Care Act (KHVVG) and the Health Care Strengthening Act (GVSG) at the meeting.

Several demands from the Federal Council meeting at the beginning of July were brought to the government. This also included the requirement to include the topics of health kiosks, primary care centers and health regions in the GVSG.

However, discussions on the five laws in the Bundestag cannot begin before the end of September: Traditionally, the first parliamentary week of September (from 9 September) is budget week, in which MPs debate the budget for 2025 for the first time.

The KHVVG is already scheduled for a public hearing in the Health Committee in the next parliamentary week (starting September 23). © bee/aerzteblatt.de

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