Eurojackpot on Tuesday (16 July 2024): Winning numbers and odds

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Berlin. On Tuesday there was 16 million euros in the Eurojackpot. No one could hit the jackpot. The winning numbers and odds at a glance.

At the Tuesday no one could lottery-Player the EuroJackpot crack. The second one too Award category remains unoccupied. For three informants in the third prize class there are 230,290.40 euros each, one of them comes from Hamburg. The next draw will take place on June 19th.

Eurojackpot on Tuesday (July 16): Current winning numbers

  • Winning numbers: 8 – 22 – 27 – 36 – 43
  • Numbers in euros: 5 – 8

All statements without warranty

Eurojackpot on July 16: The odds and winners on Tuesday

Classroom winning numbers To knock Chances
1 5 correct numbers and 2 numbers in euros 0 not busy
two 5 correct numbers and 1 number in euros 0 not busy
3 5 correct numbers and 0 euro numbers 3 230,290.40 euros
4 4 correct numbers and 2 numbers in euros 33 3453.20 euros
5 4 correct numbers and 1 number in euros 558 255.20 euros
6 3 correct numbers and 2 numbers in euros 1593 100.50 euros
7 4 correct numbers and 0 euro numbers 1099 100.50 euros
8th 2 correct numbers and 2 euro numbers 20,823 17.70 euros
9 3 correct numbers and 1 number in euros 22,618 17.70 euros
10 3 correct numbers and 0 euro numbers 45,865 16.70 euros
11 1 correct number and 2 numbers in euros 105,914 9.30 euros
12 2 correct numbers and 1 number in euros 308.382 9.30 euros

FAQ: The most important questions and answers about Eurojackpot

How high is the Eurojackpot currently?

There is currently €16 million in the jackpot.

What is the jackpot amount and what is the maximum limit?

The jackpot is always 10 million euros. If no player wins the first prize category, the amount increases up to the legal limit of a maximum of 120 million euros. For the big prize All five winning numbers out of 50 and both Euro numbers out of 12 must be guessed correctly. The chance of winning in the first prize category is 1:139,838,160. In the 12th prize category, two correct winning numbers and one Euro number are sufficient.

Eurojackpot: How does the game work?

On a Eurojackpot ticket there are eight fields, each with 50 numbers and 12 numbers in euros. In a hint field you must each 5 of 50 numbers It is 2 in 12 numbers in euros Mark with a cross. Winnings can be achieved in twelve different prize categories.

Also interesting

How much does it cost to bet on Eurojackpot?

Two euros are due per tip field. There is also a one-time processing fee of less than one euro per note. The two euros each Tip box apply evenly. Processing fee varies. You can play traditionally using paper tickets or online.

What is the deadline for accepting lottery tickets?

Federal state Acceptance period
Baden-Württemberg 19:00
Bavaria 19:00
Berlin 6:45 p.m.
Brandenburg 6:40 p.m.
Bream 6:45 p.m.
Hamburg 6:45 p.m.
Hesse 19:00
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 6:45 p.m.
Lower Saxony 6:50 p.m.
North Rhine-Westphalia 6:59 p.m.
Rhineland-Palatinate 6:45 p.m.
Saarland 6:45 p.m.
Saxony 6:45 p.m.
Saxony-Anhalt 6:45 p.m.
Schleswig-Holstein 6:45 p.m.
Thuringia 19:00

Those who play online must submit their guess by 6:45 pm.

Where and when are the winning numbers drawn?

The drawing of the winning numbers of EuroJackpot takes place every Friday and Tuesday evening at 7pm (local time) in Helsinki, Finland, under police and notarial supervision.

Will the draw be broadcast live? Where can I find the winning numbers?

The draw will not be live in Germany television broadcast. The winning numbers and odds can be seen later in the evening at

Which countries are involved in Eurojackpot?

19 countries currently participate in Eurojackpot, including:

  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Iceland
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Croatia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Czech Republic
  • Hungary
  • Slovakia
  • Poland
  • Greece

It was introduced EuroJackpot in 2012. In Germany, all 16 lottery companies participate in the European lottery. The tip can be submitted at one of the lottery’s acceptance points or online. To win, at least two winning numbers and one euro number must be chosen correctly. To win the jackpot, all five winning numbers and both euro numbers must be correct.

All statements without warranty.

A warning: The lottery can only be played by people over the age of 18. This also applies to online gambling. People under the age of 18 are not allowed to buy scratch cards or collect winnings. This also applies if you present a customer card or a power of attorney from your parents or legal guardians.

The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) provides information on gambling addiction and the potential dangers of various games of chance. A self-test “Check your gambling” on your own gambling behavior and advice are also offered.

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