Facebook Photo Settings: Secret Photo Analysis – Here’s How to Turn Off the Feature

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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The “Suggestions for sharing content from your recordings” feature is enabled by default in Facebook’s smartphone apps. Among other things, it analyzes the metadata of stored photos: When and where was the photo taken? Is it saved as a favorite? The software uses this information to suggest new posts to users because, for example, they have already posted a similar image.

Consumer Advice Center Notice

The North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center contacted the Facebook umbrella company Meta because of this new function, among other things. warned. Facebook failed to adequately inform those affected about the new use. According to the consumer advice center, Meta is thus allowing itself access to private images and video material without obtaining the necessary consent.

How to turn off the function

The new feature accesses photos that the user has shared with Facebook. It can be used on Android and iOS phones in just a few steps. to switch off:

  1. Tap on the three lines in the app. On Android they are in the top right corner, on iOS they are in the bottom right corner of the profile picture.
  2. Then tap “Settings” under “Settings & Privacy.”
  3. Scroll down to the “Suggestions for sharing content from your recordings” feature and tap on it.
  4. Click to turn off “Personalized sharing suggestions for your recordings” and “Suggestions for your recordings while you browse Facebook.”

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