Grass Mites in the Garden: Detect Bites and Fight the Itch

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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What is the best way to protect yourself from grass mites?

Unfortunately, it’s a fact that insects and arachnids can hide in your grass and ruin your summer fun. But whether it’s ticks, nectar-gathering bees or grass mites, walking barefoot across your lawn or meadow isn’t always a good idea.

This is especially true for meadows where farm animals graze. The best thing to do here – simply because ticks are much more dangerous – is to wear high rubber boots or pull your socks up over your pants. It’s not pretty, but it protects – just like the insect spray you apply to your body and clothes before a walk.

Grass Mites in Dogs and Cats

Especially when it’s hot and dry, chiggers can be a real pain for dogs and cats. They like to roam around in the grass and can become victims of hundreds of chiggers. Chiggers prefer areas of skin with little hair, warm and thin – on the dog’s stomach, chest, head area and paws. The best protection is to avoid contact. This is often easier said than done. If necessary, it also helps to wash the paws and brush the fur immediately after walking. However, since the pests are very small, this does not represent 100% protection. It is best to talk to your veterinarian about how you can avoid this.

Mow the lawn more often

In summer, children in particular can hardly be expected to refrain from playing barefoot in their own garden. That’s why you should mow your lawn regularly. This will also help you catch the mites that are on the grass tips. Grass clippings should be disposed of immediately – and of course not in a corner of your garden.

If it gets too wet, the grass mites will sink into the soil. So water your garden before your next garden party or kids’ birthday party so there won’t be any complaints later.

English lawn or do you prefer a natural garden?

For some garden owners it is a must, for others it is excessive lawn care – scarification. If you really want to reduce the risk of grass mites, scarification is part of it. Because the animals feel very comfortable in the moss.

Another option is to give up on pest control altogether. If you decide to let your lawn and wildflowers grow at the same time, it won’t stop the “nasty” bugs, but it will help all the other animals and insects that are increasingly suffering from species loss.

Do grass mites also get into the house?

By the way: if you’re unlucky, you’ll end up dragging the animals into your home. So here’s a tip: after spending some time outdoors, it’s best to take a shower and put your clothes in the washing machine. Hot water and shower gel reliably keep the mites away.

It is also advisable to leave a safety distance of two to three meters between the lawn and the house so that the mites do not enter the house.

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