How bad is vaping for your health? Finally we get answers

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Written By Omph impha

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AS THE old joke goes, when I read about the dangers of smoking, I stopped reading. If you’re a vaper, you might feel like stopping reading now. Don’t: you need to know this.

I’m a vaper. Like many others, I smoked and switched to vaping for health reasons. I plan to quit completely, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’m sure vaping is better for me than smoking, but I’m also sure it’s worse than not vaping. I cough in the morning and feel hugely addicted to the nicotine. I don’t even really know what I’m breathing in. I am concerned that it will be difficult to quit, that I am causing long-term damage to my body, and that by vaping I am susceptible to sliding back down the hill to cigarettes. I also have the same concern for the teenagers I see coming out of school and immediately enveloping themselves in fragrant clouds.

As vaping has increased throughout the Western world, these fears have been repeated frequently. Part of last month’s The King’s Speech in the UK focused on new legislation aimed at creating a smoke-free generation, in part by cracking down on youth vaping. Across the world, there have been calls for tighter regulation and more research into the health effects of vaping as more children admit to taking up the habit.

But there hasn’t been much to say about whether health concerns are well-founded — until…

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