If you or the person in need of care is not already receiving nursing care insurance benefits, submit a request this way. It will then be assessed whether there is a need for care. If so, you will be issued a nursing degree.
We have detailed information on how to obtain a nursing degree here summed up.
The care insurance fund has already recognised a level of care, but the person requiring care has now experienced further limitations in their abilities or independence? Then submit an application for an upgrade. This will result in a new assessment. If the requirements for a higher level of care are met, you will receive higher benefits.
A person in need of care can choose between different types of services and also combine them with each other. If you want to change the type of benefit, submit a benefit change request.
An example: In the past, a person in need of care was cared for by their husband, but now a nursing service takes over the care. This is why the person in need of care changes their benefits – instead of the care allowance, they now want to receive benefits in kind.
We explain in more detail the various services provided by the nursing care insurance fund below.
The nursing care fund needs some data from the person (name, address, telephone number, date of birth and insurance number) to know exactly who requested the benefits and how to reach them.
A Supervisor is used when a person can no longer take care of their own affairs and there is no power of attorney for health care. Compulsory care must always be ordered by the guardianship court and is determined for areas that the person being cared for can no longer regulate themselves. In these areas, the supervisor makes decisions for the person being cared for. If there is a carer, the welfare fund also needs the carer’s contact details, such as name, address or telephone number, so that they can be contacted in case of questions.
Important: Remember to attach a copy of your supervisor’s ID card!
A authorized representative is the person who, on the basis of a power of attorney, makes decisions on health, legal or financial matters on behalf of another person. If there is an authorised representative, the nursing care fund also needs their contact details, such as name, address or telephone number, so that they can contact you in case of questions.
Important: Remember to attach a copy of the power of attorney!
What is paid for by nursing care insurance? Assistance allowance The person in need of care can decide for themselves how care should be provided. For example, they can be cared for by family members, neighbors or friends.
As a rule, the care allowance is subsequently transferred to the people providing the care.
With In-kind assistance benefit Refers to home care provided by an outpatient care service. The nursing care insurance fund covers the costs up to a maximum amount that depends on the level of care.
It is also possible to provide care in kind It is To apply for care allowance (both see above) then this will be the case Combined performance called. This may make sense if you do not want to use the nursing service to pay the full amount of the benefit in cash.
A typical example:
For care level 3, benefits in kind worth €1,298 are available. If you do not want any benefits in kind, you are entitled to €545 in care allowance. Instead of choosing one thing or To decide the other, you can also combine both services to combine.
For example, if you only let the outpatient service help you with particularly physically demanding tasks, you could receive 519.20 euros – that would be 40 percent of the maximum possible benefits in kind.
You can then have the unused 60 percent paid out as care allowance. From the maximum possible care allowance of 545 euros, 40 percent is deducted and you still have 327 euros left over. This way you can show your gratitude to other supporters, perhaps a relative helps you with the shopping or with a visit to the doctor, for example.
Offers of Day or night care are considered part-time offerings. Those who need care are cared for there during the day or evening, and spend the rest of the time at home. In addition, there is the right to outpatient services, such as: Care in kind, Assistance allowance or Combined services. The goal is to complement and strengthen home care. Family members who provide care should feel relief and those who need care and cannot be left alone should be cared for.
With full-time hospital care, that is Care in an inpatient unitthat is, a house.
Refers to care facilities for people with disabilities.
If someone from the private environment takes on the care, they are also called a “caregiver”. The skill Relatives, such as wife, daughter or son, but also neighbors or friends be. It is important to the nursing care insurance company that this person does not care for the person who needs care to live.
If the requirements are met, nursing care insurance provides nursing staff with certain social benefits, accident insurance protection, as well as pension contributions and unemployment insurance. To determine whether there are claims, it needs the data of the caregivers.
One for the person in need of care is also possible self-employed caregiver. Please note: This does not mean service providers, such as outpatient care services, who send their employees to provide care. An employed caregiver means someone with whom you have directly entered into a contract.
A Nursing service, nursing home or facility Ultimately, it means that you have signed a contract with a company that in turn uses your staff to provide care. This is the norm in outpatient care services, for example.
The nursing care fund asks whether other payers can contribute to the costs of care or whether billing for services is an option.
The nursing care fund asks whether other payers can contribute to the costs of care or whether billing for services is an option.
Help is the financial support for illnesses, births, care and deaths of German civil servants, soldiers and professional judges. Their children and spouses are also covered, provided that they are not themselves subject to social security contributions.
If you are eligible for assistance, aid agencies contribute a percentage of the cost of care. That’s why the nursing care insurer wants to know.
Account details are required so that the nursing care fund can pay benefits to the insured.
The person needing care may not be cared for in your own household, but in your daughter’s household, for example. So it is important that the care insurer knows how to contact the person needing care.
It makes sense for a caregiver, family member, or other person you trust to be present during an assessment. If the assessment appointment must be coordinated with this person, please provide your nursing care insurance company with their address.
In order for the nursing care insurer to make decisions to determine the need for care, it needs information from, among others, doctors, therapists, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, geriatric care facilities and specialists from the health insurer’s medical services. However, since all these persons or institutions are subject to a duty of confidentiality, the waiver of the duty of confidentiality supports the processing of the determination of the need for care. You can revoke it at any time.
The reference to data protection is required by law. Here you will receive the relevant information directly or find a link to where you can obtain it.