More than 100 million euros for the new Mindelheim Clinic

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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The inauguration ceremony for a new, modern and functional building was held on Wednesday afternoon (July 17) at the Mindelheim Clinic: the emergency room, outpatient clinic, endoscopy, radiology, operating rooms, delivery rooms and kitchen will be located on around 14,000 square meters of usable space of the Allgäu clinic chain. For the new building, the parking deck and parts of the old building were demolished to make way for the excavation of the new functional building.

New “future-proof” clinical building in Mindelheim

The new building should help “make Mindelheim, an important location in the region, future-proof and strengthen it in the long term”. According to the Allgäu Clinic Association, this includes modernising medical technology and reducing energy requirements, but also adapting the care offering to demographic change. towards an increasingly aging society.

102 million euros construction costs, construction period until 2027

In total, the construction costs are expected to amount to around 102 million euros, 48 ​​million from the Unterallgäu district, 40 million from the Free State of Bavaria and 14 million from the Allgäu Clinical Association. Completion is scheduled for 2027.

Demolition of the existing building is scheduled to begin this year. According to the hospital association, since the construction of the new building is being done in sections, the hospital’s supply capacity will be maintained throughout the construction period.

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