New case of bird flu in person in the US poses a mystery

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Washington. In the US, another person has been diagnosed with the bird flu virus. However, unlike the other 13 cases this year in the United States, this person did not have “occupational exposure to sick or infected animals,” according to the CDC. The infection occurred in the state of Missouri. The patient was treated with antiviral medication in the hospital and has since been discharged.

So far, most infected people have had close contact with animals. According to current knowledge, there is no ongoing human-to-human transmission. The concern, however, is that the virus continues to mutate and adapt in mammals.

Due to the circumstances of the Missouri case, there are now concerns that the virus may have been transmitted from a person. The investigation is ongoing, the CDC said. Ongoing transmission among close contacts of the patient has not yet been determined. (dpa)

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Genetic studies

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