Shareholders’ meeting appoints new management of gematik

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Berlin. gematik’s shareholder meeting on Wednesday was attended by Dr. Florian Fuhrmann, Brenya Adjei and Dr. Florian Hartge was appointed as its new managing director from September 1st. The commission thus approved the personnel proposal of the Federal Ministry of Health, which holds the majority of gematik shares. Ärzte Zeitung had already published the personal data last week. Hartge will remain interim managing director until September, the company announced. The previous president Dr. Markus Leyck Dieken left at the end of December.

According to the information, Fuhrmann is responsible for strategy and standards, legal and finance as chairman of the board, Brenya Adjei is responsible for human resources, IT and communications, and Hartge is responsible for production, security and operations.

KBV formulates expectations

“With Dr. Florian Fuhrmann, an experienced specialist in legal healthcare, heads the new digital agency. “This is certainly encouraging,” said Dr. Sibylle Steiner, board member of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors (KBV). This is linked to the expectation “that the concerns of our fellow residents will be more strongly incorporated into the work of ‘old’ gematik, which has so far been very technical”.

From 2014 until the end of 2022, Fuhrmann created KV Telematik (since 2019 on behalf of KBV. He is currently managing director of telematics provider Kosyma and co-founder of startup Lillian Care.

Brenya Adjei currently works as Director of Customer Service at Dina Elektronik, a mid-sized security technology company. Florian Hartge has worked for gematik since 2020 and was previously responsible for the development and introduction of its products as Production Director. (Pub)

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