Thuringian University Hospital in financial difficulties – state aid expected

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Jena. According to its own statements, the University Hospital Jena is facing economic difficulties. The hospital announced on Tuesday that price and personnel cost increases resulting from the latest collective bargaining agreements have led to an increase in expenses. The remuneration for services, however, has not increased in the same way. As a result, the university hospital, which has long represented stability, is increasingly reaching the limits of its economic performance resources. Underfunding cannot be ruled out, according to a statement. The hospital did not provide information on the magnitude. However, it expressed hope for state aid.

The Thuringian Ministry of Science is aware of the problem and discussions have already taken place with the Ministry of Finance. We are working hard on a solution. It is conceivable, for example, that the clinic could take out a loan, together with a subsidy from state funds. No concrete steps have yet been taken.

Employer for 7,000 people

The clinic in Jena, Thuringia’s only university hospital, is now hoping for state support. It employs almost 7,000 people in 31 clinics and polyclinics. Around half a million patients receive inpatient and outpatient care every year, and more than 2,700 medical and dental students are trained there. The employees were informed about the situation at a staff meeting on Tuesday.

It takes on many special tasks that are essential for the healthcare system, such as highly qualified 24-hour emergency care, specialist medical centers, treatment of rare diseases or a high level of commitment to specialist training. These important system tasks are currently not covered cost-effectively under the current legal regulations. In addition, rising energy costs, far-reaching tariff increases and further increases in material costs have meant that many university hospitals have been in economic difficulties for several years. (time)

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