Tiger mosquito alarm in Ansbach district: Citizens call for help

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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The Asian tiger mosquito has penetrated the district of Ansbach. On Thursday, the district office announced that a citizen had discovered a tiger mosquito in Detwang, part of the municipality of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. He reported the discovery to the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL). The district of Ansbach is now setting up traps and wants to find out whether there are any more tiger mosquitoes in the region.

Tiger mosquitoes can transmit tropical diseases

The Asian tiger mosquito is not native to Bavaria. It was introduced through global trade in goods and travel. The striped mosquito may look different Transmit pathogens such as dengue and zika viruses. It is therefore important to closely monitor their spread and limit the population as much as possible, the statement says. However, there are none in Bavaria so far Disease transmission by a tiger mosquito been documented.

Aggressive stabbing behavior

The Asian tiger mosquito is smaller than most native species and can be recognized by the following characteristics: It is 0.5 to one centimeter in size. It has a white line running from the back of its neck to the base of its wings. It also has black and white rings on its body and legs. There are five white rings on the rearmost pair of legs, with white coloring on the ends of the legs. It has an aggressive and stinging behavior, even during the day. The health department now wants to set up traps in Detwang.

Send all mosquitoes found to LGL

Citizens are now asked to report new findings of the Asian tiger mosquito. For precise identification, samples can be sent to the address: Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), State Institute for Animal Health II, Department TG 6.3, Veterinärstr. 2, 85764 Oberschleißheim.

It is important that mosquitoes are shipped whole, if possible, and not crushed. Suitable packaging material is, for example, a matchbox or a tube. Insects should not be stored in liquids, but should be transported dry.

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