Unstable Intel CPUs: What Affected People Can Do

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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These desktop processors are affected

Desktop processors from the Intel Core series can irreparably lose stability due to, among other things, excessive voltages. There have been updates since August that aim to prevent the defect. Processors are the central processing unit of the computer and are therefore also called CPU (WProhibited Pprocessing You(right). Potentially at risk are 24 13th and 14th generation desktop CPUs – installed from October 2022 – with a power consumption of 65 watts or more at full load. According to Intel, laptop processors are not affected – that means it’s all clear for all our computers. Notebook test.

These 24 Intel processors may be affected. ©Intel Corporation

Act quickly if processors are at risk

In your Support page explains IntelHow to find out if your computer is affected. Anyone who owns a desktop computer with a potentially affected chip should act quickly. Intel recommends installing the latest BIOS updates. The BIOS (short for basic IProhibited THEexit Ssystem) is a control unit that mediates between the operating system and the hardware – that is, CPU -.

THE new BIOS updatesthat should correct the error, are easily recognizable. They contain a Additional designation “Microcode (0x129)”. The code update is intended to limit the voltage so that it no longer gets too high. Unfortunately, it is not yet available for all products on the market. If no update with added microcode is found, a current BIOS update is still recommended. Even if the latest fix is ​​missing, the settings recommended by Intel should be included in the update, which should counteract possible damage to the CPU.

Intel extends warranty

If your computer frequently crashes when running large applications, this could be a sign of a defect. In this case, too, according to Intel, further damage can be limited with a new BIOS update. However, even the update cannot repair a damaged processor – the only solution here is to replace it with a new chip. Due to the failure of its products, Intel has this Warranty program for all CPUs mentioned above, extended by two to five years and commits to replacing all affected processors.

This is what manufacturers say about extended warranties

The extended warranty does not only apply to processors sold individually (“in a box”). If you have purchased a complete PC from vendors such as Acer, Asus, Dell, HP or Lenovo, you can also have the integrated processor replaced. This is unusual: Intel does not normally offer a warranty to end customers who have purchased a complete PC.

We checked with the five vendors mentioned above: They all confirmed to us that they support Intel’s extended warranty. Affected customers should first contact their reseller. If you have no success there, please contact us Intel Support. Anyone who has built their own desktop computer with a boxed processor should contact Intel directly.

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