With cannabis cultivation associations, we leave drug dealers out of work

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Berlin. At the start of the cannabis cultivation associations, Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach advocated the innovation. “With the cultivation associations, we will put dealers out of work in the long term, prevent contamination and high concentrations of cannabis and thus protect cannabis consumers,” the SPD politician told “Bild am Sonntag”.

Background: Three months later Cannabis release for adults In Germany, a second stage comes into force on Monday. Non-commercial “growing associations” with up to 500 members can now also start. Adults can grow cannabis together and sell it to each other for their own consumption. Many requirements and requirements apply. Firstly, clubs can now apply for a cultivation license with the responsible authorities in the respective federal states.

Lauterbach wants to reduce cannabis consumption

Lauterbach stressed that consumption would continue to be prohibited for young people and that sales to minors would be punished more severely than before. In the US, it has been shown that consumption by young people does not increase after legalization. “Together with appropriate educational measures, it will be possible to reduce cannabis consumption.” Lauterbach warned: “Legalization must not obscure the fact that the drug is harmful.”

The deputy chairman of the federal police union (GdP), Alexander Poitz, warned that the regulations governing the establishment and operation of cultivation clubs contained “risks and gateways for organized crime”. “This could infiltrate and use the structures of the cultivation associations,” he told “Bild am Sonntag”. He also stressed that the growing associations would not be able to immediately meet the high demand. “The black market for dealers has continued to expand since April 2024.”

Private cultivation is also permitted

The leader of the CSU parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament, Klaus Holetschek, demanded in the newspaper: “The growing associations must be monitored as strictly as possible and must not become a gateway for criminals who want to gain access to the black market.”

In principle, smoking marijuana has been legal for adults since April 1st, with many restrictions. Since then, the cultivation of cannabis in private apartments has been permitted. There can be three plants at the same time and you can store up to 50 grams of cannabis. (dpa)

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