Additional millions for hospitals in Saxony

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Dresden – Hospitals in Saxony will receive additional fixed funding of 20 million euros this year. According to the Dresden Health Ministry, the budget and finance committee of the state parliament approved the decision of the corresponding cabinet from June.

The urgently needed funds are allocated to the Saxony Development Bank and then passed on – without having to apply again. This would fill gaps that have caused massive cost increases in hospital coffers and would not be closed by the federal government for the time being, said Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD).

The state government is stepping in to strengthen the liquidity of credit lines. You could use the money yourself quickly, quickly and directly for future investments and smaller measures, eliminating the need for a bureaucratic and time-consuming application and review process.

According to the ministry, the economic situation in hospitals has worsened over the past two years due to rising energy prices, increased staff tariffs and a continued decline in cases.

“The federal government’s pending hospital reform will not strengthen hospitals economically until 2025 at the earliest.” The additional funding is intended to stabilize the situation until then.

Since the fall of the Wall, more than €6.5 billion has been invested in the Saxon hospital landscape – fixed annual funding was recently €75 million and individual funding €64 million. © dpa/

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