Baerbock for inter-party decision on Abruptio Paragraph 218

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Hamburg. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is calling for a cross-party decision by the Bundestag, without pressure from party groups, to abolish the criminality of abortion.

Similar to topics euthanasia or Organ donation This “is not a question for coalitions or party-political skirmishes,” said the Green politician at a discussion event at the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” in Hamburg. On the contrary, it is “such an important sociopolitical issue that proposals are being made between groups.”

“Most of the time these are the best debates in the Bundestag because you don’t yet know: the government says this, the opposition says that, instead each member of parliament argues based on his or her convictions,” Baerbock said, justifying her initiative.

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It is about the question of women’s self-determination regarding their own bodies. The current regulation that abortion is generally punishable is “completely outdated”. Women should be able to decide for themselves about their bodies. The issue no longer belongs to criminal law, said Baerbock.

The SPD parliamentary group adopted a position paper in Junein which she advocates the abolition of criminal liability for abortion. The Greens support the initiative, but there is strong criticism from the Union. As is well known, abortions are currently illegal according to Section 218 of the Criminal Code (StGB). The abolition of the paragraph has been debated for years.

Last Commission appointed by the federal government recommended decriminalizing abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy. It is unclear whether there will actually be a new regulation in the current legislature. (dpa/eb)

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