Bafög: This is how the app works

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Calculating entitlement to Bafög is complicated and always depends on several factors:

Income. Firstly, it depends on your income and that of your parents. The sum of all income counts, minus income and church taxes, social security contributions and some Riester pension contributions. For children who already have a spouse or partner, their income is also taken into account. The allowance for married parents will increase by five percent from the winter semester 24/25 and will be 2,535 euros.

Active. Since the winter semester 2022/23, the assets of financing beneficiaries are only counted from an amount of 15 thousand euros for those under 30 years of age and 45 thousand euros for those over 30 years of age. For students who are married and live in a registered partnership, their partner’s assets are not taken into account. As for the partner’s income, yes. However, the property benefit increases by 2,300 euros per partner and per child.

Among other things, these are summarized Current accounts It is Current accounts, Securities deposits, online credit with Paypal, Apple Pay or Google Pay, as well as the current value of a car. Parents’ assets do not count.

In addition to income, it also counts whether someone still lives with their parents and whether they have health insurance and nursing care through them. The maximum possible Bafög rate depends on this. Students living alone can receive a maximum fee of 934 euros thanks to the new Bafög reform. The maximum rate for students living with their parents is 511 euros plus any additional health insurance and nursing care.

For the invoice, the Bafög office first determines what maximum rate the applicant is entitled to. It then determines how much money to deduct based on your income and assets. What’s left goes into the account as a monthly Bafög payment.

Tip: As Bafög-Digital Calculator you can estimate the claim amount.

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