Buying mattresses online: Problems with Emma? We do the test

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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In our Mattress Tests Emma mattresses tend to perform well. We haven’t checked the delivery service – but that’s exactly where there appears to be a problem. In recent months we have received repeated complaints about Emma. Consumers sometimes waited months for mattresses they ordered online – despite a guaranteed delivery time of just a few business days. Returns were also very bumpy, pickup appointments could not be scheduled, customers waited months for refunds, customer service was unhelpful or conspicuous by its absence. Our partner organizations in the Netherlands and Switzerland have reported similar complaints.

Stiftung Warentest also sometimes had difficulties purchasing mattresses. So does Emma have a logistics problem? To find out, we bought five mattresses online from Emma as a test and sent them back – anonymously, of course, and not recognizable as Stiftung Warentest.

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