Clinics are collecting more femoral heads

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Berlin. The non-profit German Institute for Cell and Tissue Replacement (DIZG) presented its current annual report on Tuesday. According to statements from the company itself, this proves the high commitment of the clinics involved in the donation, which generated a considerable number of visits to patients with human tissue transplants.

In the reference year, 3,293 people donated tissue, which corresponds to an increase of 770 compared to the previous year. The number of post-mortem donations increased by 43 to 353 in the same period. According to the report, these donations consisted of 6,643 individual fabrics.

The evolution of the number of femoral head donations received in endoprosthetic operations is very pleasing: last year, 2,932 femoral heads were donated – 746 more than in 2022. “Donors and employees of clinics participating in the donation program make a contribution indispensable for caring for patients throughout Germany with human tissue transplants”, emphasizes Jürgen Ehlers, General Director of DIZG.

In the reporting year, 67,828 allogeneic transplants were performed – 950 more than in 2022. However, demand for safe allogeneic hard and soft tissues far exceeded supply, it continues. To counter this imbalance, DIZG started a cooperation with a US non-profit donation program in early 2023. DIZG was also able to win over other clinics across Germany as partners for donations of endoprosthetic femoral heads. (eb)

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