Craft Beer: Pale Ale & IPA under test

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Like pineapple, lychee or citrus fruits – these fruity notes are not uncommon in craft beers. Translated, craft beer means beer produced by hand. But big breweries have long since joined the movement.

In the Stiftung Warentest test, eight of the twelve beers performed well and some of them tasted excellent. In addition to the three test winners, we also identified one clear loser: it was disappointing in the tasting. Many craft breweries charge high prices, reaching around 9 euros per litre – but one of the best beers is one of the cheapest.

Why Craft Beer Testing Is Worth It for You

Test results

Six IPAs and six pale ales were tested – in bottles and cans, from start-ups, family breweries and also from the discounter Lidl. Also included: Maisel & Friends, Störtebeker, Brewdog. Quality ratings range from good to fair.

The best craft beer for you

The test results in our table can be filtered. You can see the tastiest beers as well as the best and cheapest ones. This way, you can quickly find the winner of your personal test.

Prior knowledge

In the craft beer test by Stiftung Warentest you will also find out what you can boast about: In an interview, a brewer explains which raw materials and brewing processes are used to give craft beer its flavors. We give tasting tips and analyze the market potential of beers with an intense aroma.

Journal article in PDF

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Craft Beer: IPA and Pale Ale in the tasting
Test results for 12 craft beers


India Pale Ale (IPA) and Pale Ale in the tasting

We selected two typical craft beer varieties for testing: India Pale Ale (IPA for short, pronounced “Ei Pi Ey”) and pale beer. We took into account small and large breweries from as many different federal states as possible.

IPAs are strong, fruity, hoppy beers with a strong bitter note. Pale Ales are brewed with fewer hops and generally have less alcohol. This is why the bitter notes are not as strong, which makes pale ales also suitable for beginners in craft beer. At the end of the tasting, we were able to choose one best IPA and two pale ales, which tied for first place.

Tip: You can, even before the test is activated all products tested see.

Look at the table

Quality judgment

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Foam durability

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Microbiological quality

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The selection is a random section of the general table and is not sorted.

Where the best craft beers come from

Some 84 percent of people over the age of 16 in Germany say they have tried craft beer at least once. And more than one in two people said it tasted good or very good, according to a consumer survey.

In addition to taste, origin is also important to many craft beer fans. Of the five winning flavors in the test, three come from northern Germany, one from the craft beer city of Berlin and one from Bavaria.

Tip: You can also filter the beers in the test according to the federal states where the breweries are based and where Results Overview see the location of each brewery.

Craft beer is best drunk fresh

Store IPA and Pale Ale in a cool, dark place and not for too long. These beers taste best fresh. Your passengers Hop notes decrease within a few months.

See how we examine craft beer

The most important test of the test was professional tasting by trained testers. They were based on recognised criteria for India Pale Ale (IPA) and Pale Ale from beer awards such as the European Beer Star and described the appearance, smell, taste, liveliness and aftertaste of the beers. We assessed defects such as “slightly rotten sulphurous” as well as staleness or strong, persistent bitter notes.

In the lab, we checked for germs that could harm beer – and we found them in a product. We also wanted to know whether pollutants such as pesticides, heavy metals or nitrates spoil the enjoyment. We examined canned beers Bisphenol A (BPA) – We detected the pollutant in one of the two canned beers. We also measured the foam durability and alcohol content.

Tip: If you prefer to drink non-alcoholic beer, you will find good products in our Testing non-alcoholic beer.

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