Dementia-friendly apartment: visual design
There is also a lot to consider when it comes to light: the living space should shiny and dull to be. Even lighting prevents shadows – and therefore possible fears for people with dementia. Light reflections are avoided if matte surfaces are preferred and indirect lighting is chosen. Good vision satisfies the basic need for safety.
Possible limitations that may occur include a decrease in contrast vision. If you notice this: Create contrasts!
There must be a clear contrast between the color of the floor and the furniture so that the furniture can be recognized as such. Contrasts also help with tableware, for example, to be able to recognize glasses and plates: for example, a plate with a colored border colorful placemat or similar.
To make light switches more visible, colored tape or a painted frame on the wall around the switch are simple and effective methods. Color switches and frames are also commercially available.
Contrastslike a colorful toilet seat, it can also help you find the toilet in a white bathroom with white sanitary objects.
The orientation is also supported by, for example, the bathroom door or kitchen cabinets with appropriate images or easy-to-understand pictograms to paste.
How can I make the living space safe for people with dementia?
Above all, ensure the living space is safe for people with dementia. You can do this, for example
- Use child safety locks on outlets
- use a stove fuse
- Use a water temperature limit to protect people with dementia from burns
- Keep medicines, household chemicals and other dangerous substances locked away
- Avoid poisonous home and garden plants such as the popular birch (ficus benjamini) or yew and laburnum
- the smoke detector with a home emergency call or smart home system to connect
People with dementia should remain active despite their illness, be supported in their activities and encouraged to do so. But caring relatives also need rest. Leaving the apartment unnoticed can through a Sensor on the door or alarm mat be reported. The message can be sent to a receiver as a sound, light or vibrating signal.
Sound-absorbing materials help people with dementia
People with dementia sometimes also have hearing impairment. Here create a peaceful environment and use sound absorbing materials Comfort.
A good daily structure helps in the treatment of dementia
Temporal orientation is, in principle, determined by a good daily structure improved. It is also advisable to do this whenever possible lots of daylight in bedrooms to support the natural wake-sleep rhythm.
Sometimes there is even a day-to-night reversal as dementia progresses. To support a healthy biorhythm, a so-called circadian light control: Here the lighting is cooler in the morning (with more blue in the light) and becomes increasingly warmer at night (more red).
Dementia-friendly housing helps those suffering from dementia
Overall, in an adapted living environment, people suffering from dementia can certainly feel satisfied if the demands of the environment are well balanced with their own skills.
You can also find more information on the Federal Ministry of Health website.