Drug analysis: Pharmacies check whether drugs are compatible

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Many people take several medications every day. But are the medications compatible with each other and with other preparations? This can be clarified by means of a drug analysis at the pharmacy.

The most important thing in summary:

  • A medication review is available to patients who regularly take at least 5 medications prescribed by a doctor.
  • The right exists once a year or if there is a significant change in medication.
  • Medication analysis can also be performed at home.
  • Statutory health insurance companies cover the costs of medication testing.
  • Those who have private insurance are also entitled to reimbursement of costs.

Why is a medication analysis useful?

Many people, especially older people, take several medications every day. There are often 5 or more different medications per day – sometimes prescribed by several doctors. Even general practitioners often do not have an overview of all medications when people being treated are prescribed medications by other specialists (e.g. cardiologists or orthopedists).

In addition to these medications, many patients also take:

  • non-prescription medications (e.g. pain relievers or sleeping pills)
  • Dietary supplements

In a call Medication analysisone “extended medication counseling for polypharmacy“, it is therefore checked whether the medication as a whole is adjusted optimally. Or are there side effects and interactions that can occur?

Even considered harmless Dietary supplements As calcium or the Take the medicine with milk may weaken or increase the effects of medications. Of course, this should be avoided as much as possible.

The purpose of medication analysis is to discover medication errors and identify which medications should not be taken together because, for example, they increase the tendency to bleed.

Medication errors can cause significant harm to health. It is estimated that undesirable drug effects caused by preventable medication errors lead to around 500,000 hospital emergency room visits per year in Germany, some of which are fatal (source: Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices).

How does a medication analysis work?

If you would like to take advantage of a medication review, first make an appointment at your preferred pharmacy. Take your time, a medication review can take 1 hour or more. A written agreement is made between you and the pharmacy regarding this service.

Bring to the medication analysis appointment all medicines with this you get. Prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as dietary supplements.

It is recommended that you bring the following documents with you for analysis of medicines at the pharmacy:

  • existing medication plans
  • Doctor’s notes
  • Resignation letters
  • Laboratory values

The pharmacists will discuss with you how the medication should be taken and at what time of day (e.g. before or after a meal). To get a complete picture of you, as part of the medication review you will be asked about complaints and pains, as well as known intolerances, dietary habits, nicotine and alcohol consumption.

As an additional service, the practical use of medications can also be checked. For example, whether you are using the asthma spray correctly.

Who provides an analysis of medications taken?

As of now, not all pharmacies offer drug analysis, as pharmacists do. Additional training and certification I have to do it.

However, several existing training courses are considered equivalent and also entitle you to provide this service. Only pharmacists are authorized to provide this service, not pharmaceutical staff.

If you are interested in a medication analysis, ask your pharmacy. On the Internet, you can usually find pharmacies with training in this area on the websites of the respective state pharmaceutical chambers or at https://www.apoguide.de.

And of course – regardless of the detailed medication analysis – you can consult your doctor or pharmacy at any time about your prescriptions and medications. The duty of pharmacists to provide advice is enshrined in law.

What are the results of a medication analysis?

There is usually a second consultation at the pharmacy to discuss the results of the drug analysis. Then you, as the person being treated, will receive an updated report and complete medication plan.

This medication schedule also includes the times at which you should take the medication and the intended effect of the medication. Because they are also not known to many patients. Over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements are also included in the medication plan.

Minor adjustments, such as changes to the time of when a medication should be taken, will be discussed directly with you. If problems with the medication are identified that require major changes, your treating physician may be contacted with your consent.

Who covers the costs of a medication review?

Node legally insured persons The right to this pharmaceutical service is enshrined in law and pharmacies invoice health insurers directly.

Node private insured persons Billing is done directly between the pharmacy and the night and emergency care center. Those with private insurance do not need to make any payment at the pharmacy and will not receive an invoice.

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