Emily Ratajkowski and her left boob ruled the red carpet at the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party. To celebrate Hollywood’s biggest night, the model poured herself into a sculptural Jacquemus gown with an assymetrical bodice that floated off her body and even exposed a bit of her nipple when viewed in profile. Being seminaked is basically Ratajkowski’s style signature, whether she’s attending an event or simply going to the grocery store, but this milky white illusion dress with a translucent sheath may mark her most daring sartorial coup yet.
Pulled hot off the runway for the occasion, the dress comes from the French fashion label’s spring-summer 2024 ready-to-wear collection. The Gone Girl star wore it well with no accessories to distract from its intricate design. Her hair was kept soft and loose in contrast with the otherwise super-structured look. For makeup she went for her usual glam: a nude lip paired with a smoldering, smudged-up smokey eye.
Emily Ratajkowski wasn’t the only celebrity who wore an illusion dress on Sunday evening. Earlier that night, Florence Pugh and Emily Blunt wore the trend to the Academy Awards in designs from Milanese brand Del Core and French fashion house Schiaparelli respectively.