Munich – The FDP parliamentary group wants the South German newspaper in accordance with the restriction of the right to strike. As reported in the newspaper, the parliamentary group has decided on a position paper calling for rules for strikes in so-called critical infrastructure sectors.
They should therefore apply to trains, air traffic, health and welfare, daycare, firefighters and waste collection. The Liberals want strikes in these areas to be announced at least three days in advance.
In addition, emergency operations of at least 50 percent must be maintained and warning strikes must last a maximum of four hours. According to the document, arbitration should also be mandatory as soon as employers or unions request it. These rules should be subject to change in collective agreements.
The Table.Media portal recently reported on the plans of the FDP parliamentary group and the proposal was being voted on in the parliamentary group. Trade unions, SPD and Greens reject the FDP proposal. © afp/aerzteblatt.de