Fear of the dentist|Fear of the dentist| Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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However, most patients are able to adequately process this traumatic childhood experience. You learn that with the help of injections it is possible to achieve painless treatment and that even with more extensive treatments, taking medication eliminates post-operative pain.

However, there is also a growing group of patients who cannot process this. Even as adults, they still have insurmountable fears about going to the dentist and avoiding any treatment. Often, these patients have not seen a dentist in ten to 20 years. After a few years, however, the unstoppable processes of dental disease begin. It often starts with a small amount of tooth decay, which then grows until the tooth finally breaks down. This is followed by inflammation in the gum area and is often a very acute process, e.g. B. an abscess, which inevitably leads the patient to the dentist.

The question then arises of how the treatment can be carried out more effectively. Simply carrying out emergency therapy and then sending the patient home would be negligent towards the patient, but also towards the community of patients covered by health insurance. If appropriate therapy is not initiated at the latest here, it can be assumed that hospital admissions and surgical measures will result in very high costs. For this reason, it is necessary on the day of the first contact within the scope, e.g. B. an abscess incision, think about how to proceed with the patient’s treatment.

For smaller measures, such as one or two fillings, hypnosis is a particularly good treatment support. However, if extensive surgical measures are required (e.g. removal of all wisdom teeth, removal of multiple root remains, revision of the maxillary sinus, etc.), hypnosis is not sufficient. Anesthesia must then be used here. In principle, in this context, it is important to note that anesthesia – if medically indicated – is also a health insurance benefit. Health insurers understand very well that, when in doubt, it makes more sense to pay for anesthesia than to pay for a hospital stay two or three weeks later.

Extensive rehabilitation can then be carried out as part of an operation under intubation anesthesia in a specialized center. During the first main session, destroyed teeth are removed, fillings are inserted, root canal treatments or root tip resections are performed. Further measures such as B. Periodontitis treatment or more extensive prosthetic measures must be carried out later. It has often been found that after successful treatment under anesthesia, during which major painful lesions have been removed, the patient regains confidence in dentistry and overcomes the fear of being treated under local anesthesia for minor procedures.

Therefore, it is important not to give up hope on dental restoration if you are a fearful patient, but rather to ask about suitable treatment options. The best way to do this is via the Internet or the telephone directory, where today there are centers in almost every major city that are prepared for this extensive and time-consuming therapy. However, it is also important to involve family members in treatment. Often it is the wife or parents who convince the anxious patient to try treatment under anesthesia.

In the case of young children, this also offers the opportunity to avoid traumatizing the child at the dentist and thus have one less anxious patient in the future.

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