Gender Entry on ID Card: Change Gender on ID Card in Three Steps

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Step 2: Make an appointment for a personal explanation

After registering, you will have to wait three months. Since the change is possible from November 1st, you can register from the beginning of August. Make an appointment to make your personal declaration at the registry office where you registered the change. Bring your identity card, passport, birth certificate and possibly a marriage or civil partnership certificate. Explain on site how your gender change should be registered and indicate your new name. There is a fee for notarizing this declaration in Berlin, which is 15 euros. The registry office will send everything to your birth registry. You can then apply for your new birth certificate there.

Speaking of which: Step 1 becomes invalid if you do not submit the declaration within six months of your registration.

Step 3: The change takes effect

The birth registry office will inform the registration authority about the change. You can then apply for new documents, such as a new identity card and passport, at the Citizen Registration Office.

If you are under 14 or older, you can make the declaration yourself, but only with the consent of your legal guardian. If you do not agree, you can enforce your consent with the help of the family court.

Tip: In our special Change name We explain under what conditions you can change your first or last name without simultaneously changing your gender entry. Some rules, such as double names, will be revised from 2025.

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