Generalist doctor Antje Bergmann honored with constitutional medal

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Dresden. Dresden professor of general medicine and family doctor Dr. Antje Bergmann received the Saxon Constitutional Medal. She received the award along with seven other winners on Saturday (8 June) in the Dresden Ständehaus from the President of the State Parliament, Matthias Rößler (CDU). Since 1997, the Constitutional Medal has been awarded in the Free State to people who “deserved merit to the values ​​of the Saxon Constitution”, as announced by the state parliament.

Bergmann is the first professor of general medicine in Saxony and holds her professorship at the Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine at the TU Dresden. However, the university hospital does not operate an independent institute of general medicine, but only an “area” headed by Bergmann. This area is part of the internal medicine clinic and polyclinic III.

Even with your own radio show

Bergmann, who studied human medicine in Berlin (Humboldt University) and Dresden from 1988 to 1994, has also had his own general practice near the Dresden University Hospital since 2011. Since June 2022 she has also been president of the Saxon Society for General Medicine (SGAM). At that time, she succeeded the long-time president, Dr. Andreas Schuster. SGAM is the only state society specializing in general medicine in Germany.

Bergmann is also vice-president of the German Foundation for General and Family Medicine (DESAM). There she played a key role in 2011 Young talent academy support program released with.

From 2015 to 2023 he was a member of the board of the Saxon State Medical Association (SLÄK). In the new election period, she will continue to be a member of the chamber assembly of the Dresden (city) constituency. At the MDR Sachsenradio offers a fortnightly program called “Family Doctor Consultation”. Listener questions on health topics.

Commitment to training and continuing education

In his laudatory speech, State Parliament President Rößler praised Bergmann’s commitment to “giving general medicine the appreciation and appeal it deserves as a discipline on an equal footing with all other medical disciplines”.

In recent years, Bergmann has also managed to “win over many cooperation partners and build new structures with them to counter the growing shortage of family doctors.” Rößler mentioned this as an example General medicine summer school at DESAMO Competence Center for Continuing Training in General Medicine Saxony (KWASa)O CCS Continuing Education Network and the MEDIC model course Human medicine at the TU Dresden in Chemnitz.

In addition to Antje Bergmann, other personalities were honored. These include the Leipzig painter Neo Rauch, who was honored for his international artistic work, and the chief conductor of the Saxon Staatskapelle Dresden, Christian Thielemann, for his notable musical contributions. (nose)

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