Hamburg Campus announces immediate start

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Hamburg. Interested parties can now apply to the UMCH Medical University in Hamburg. The school said this was possible regardless of the available results of the TMS “medical examination” carried out in May and without numerus clausus. For immediate approval, proof of TMS with at least 70 (out of a maximum of 130) points is sufficient. No other entrance exams are required. As an alternative to TMS, interested parties can participate in the UMCH admission process and thus obtain a study place.

This admission process can be carried out at any time and consists of a motivational and suitability interview with a brief written assessment. Candidates will receive results within a maximum of 48 hours. The process can be completed before you finish high school and up to two years before you want to start studying – even via video call.

14,900 euros per semester

There are 200 study places available at the campus in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld. UMCH is a branch of the Romanian State University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Natural Sciences and Technology Neumarkt am Mieresch (UMFST Neumarkt a. M.). In addition to the admissions process, the course presents a number of other differences compared to medical training at German state universities: it is taught in English and costs 14,900 euros per semester for EU students, with a registration fee of 4,500 euros. The physics exam is no longer required in favor of regular intermediate exams in the individual subjects. Instead of taking the state exam, graduates complete their studies with an internal university final exam. (di)

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