What should I consider before concluding the brokerage contract?
Basically, it is important that you correctly evaluate the scope of care before deciding on a 24-hour caregiver. Contrary to what the common name suggests, the caregiver can on average just 8 hours a dayi.e. 40 hours a week, work for you.
It is, therefore, a positive sign that an agency sees things the same way and asks you for information before making you a recruitment offer. The agent must provide you with the necessary questionnaires, clarify with you the need for support and set aside time for this.
A good sign is if placement agencies Certified according to DIN SPEC 33454 they are. For example, you commit to:
- fair working conditions,
- customer advice from nursing professionals,
- customer-friendly contracts and
- an aptitude test for caregivers.
There are differences in quality, especially when determining the need for care. While some just ask online about the age, gender and level of care of the person needing care, other agencies welcome nursing specialists into their homes.
They will talk to you and the person needing care and determine precisely what care is needed, especially at night. They can also give you tips on how you can prepare for the caregiver’s arrival at your apartment and how to cover the caregiver’s free time after work, during vacation or in case of illness.
The more placement agencies want to know about you, the less likely you are to be disappointed with the caregiver who ultimately comes to you. You will also get a personal impression of the agency’s employees. Some also offer visit her in her office. This one too Opportunity to get to know each other you must use it before signing the contract.
Good to know: Certification according to DIN SPEC is a good first approach. However, you should pay close attention to what it specifically offers. Consumer advice centers cannot exclude the possibility that certification is simply a marketing tool for some people.
When the agency finally suggests possible caregivers, try to get one brief phone call or video conference with the caregiver organize. This way you will be able to see if your knowledge of German is really as good as promised.
The way the agency communicates with you until the contract is signed is also important. Check the documents sent to you:
- Are they complete and adapted to your care situation?
- Can you understand them well?
- Does the information correspond to what was previously communicated to you orally?
- Pay attention to the fine print: many agencies advertise “24-hour service” while the contract specifies an eight-hour work schedule. This corresponds to the German Working Time Act and is therefore correct.
Contact the agency again and ask your new questions. How the agency responds to this:
- Are your questions, especially about contractual texts, accepted and answered objectively?
- Are the legal contexts explained in an understandable way?
- Do you have the opportunity to obtain legal advice or allow enough time to make your decision?
What is important when concluding a contract?
- Are the details of the contractual relationship clearly defined? This includes the scope of services and the respective activities of the agencies, as well as the costs and their composition, but also the question of what happens if the person in need of care has to go to a nursing home or dies.
- Will a contact person be appointed for you?
- Does the text of the contract correspond to the negotiated conditions of the agency relationship?
- Was what was promised verbally included in the contract text?
- Are company addresses and legal representatives and contact details such as hotline or email provided for ongoing communication?
More information about contracts relating to so-called “24-hour care” at home can be found at this market verification report.