How much does professional dental cleaning cost?

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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However, anything beyond professionally defined teeth cleaning may incur additional charges, such as sealing fissures, polishing the edges of fillings, or removing plaque from below the gums. However, the latter has already been heard in court, with sometimes contradictory verdicts. Sometimes the additional calculation is found to be correct, sometimes not (OVG NRW, Ref.: 1 A 477/13 and VG Stuttgart, Ref.: 3 K 3921/12). Plaque that is not clinically visible and cannot be reached below the gums can only be removed by a dentist.

What should you pay attention to when cleaning your teeth professionally?

Studies have shown that professional teeth cleaning is not always complete and comprehensive. A professional dental cleaning should take an average of 45 to 60 minutes. To begin, plaque is removed and the teeth and gum line are cleaned. Different instruments and products can be used for this purpose.

The teeth are then polished and finally fluoridated to create protection. In addition, guidance on oral hygiene must be provided, which can be carried out daily at home.

For this reason: Ask specifically what services the offering includes and whether all treatment steps for professional teeth cleaning are followed.

If you’re not sure whether the costs are too high, you can always compare prices from other dentists or ask your state’s dental association for guidance. In principle, dentists are obliged to inform patients about the expected costs before treatment begins (Section 630c Paragraph 3 BGB).

more on the subject

Professional dental cleaning – Information from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists (KZBV)

List of KZBV – Which legal health insurance companies contribute to the costs (as of January 2023)

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