Investing in inflation: Using real assets to combat currency devaluation

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Protection against inflation. Investors should not only rely on interest-bearing investments, but also aggregate real assets. © Getty Images / sesame

If you are afraid of inflation, you should also invest in real assets. We show how savers can protect their money from falling in value with shares, gold or property.

The inflation rate is rising slightly again. According to preliminary estimates from the Federal Statistical Office, it was 2.4% in May compared to the previous year. In March and April it was 2.2 percent. In February 2024 the price increase was 2.5 percent and in December it was 3.7 percent. Energy prices fell again, this time by 1.1% compared to the previous year. Food prices have increased slightly.

Even though the returns of daily It is Fixed deposit increased following the ECB’s interest rate hike, many interest rate investments still do not offer complete protection against currency devaluation. The so-called real interest rate, that is, what remains after deducting inflation, is still negative in some cases.

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