Jennifer Lopez Found the Perfect Spring Uniform in Baggy Jeans and Big Shoes

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Written By Paklay Zablay

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Jennifer Lopez has lately embraced a very specific style, so much that we’re calling it her spring uniform. The combo consists of very, very wide baggy jeans, a turtleneck, and platform shoes.

This past weekend, she wore two almost identical looks with basically the same garments. The biggest difference between them? One time she wore a crop-top turtleneck. (And now I want a crop-top turtleneck.) What really completes this spring uniform, however, is the way she matches her handbag to her shirt. It’s the icing on a must-have trendy cake.

First up was a green, ribbed top that she coordinated with a Dior bag and paired with wide leg, low-waisted jeans. Abs in the air and extra inches thanks to those UGG-like shoes, J.Lo looked happy and chic without sacrificing an ounce of comfort.

Jennifer Lopez on April 14, 2024, in New York City.


The second round involved a cream shirt coordinated with a Birkin by Hermès; this time, Jennifer Lopez still showed off her abs without really showing them by wearing her turtleneck tight and tucked inside the waistband of her ultra-wide jeans.

Jennifer Lopez on April 14, 2024 in New York City.Gotham


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