Julia Fox Just Declared Her Vagina Is ‘Closed’ Without Saying a Single Word

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Written By Paklay Zablay

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Julia said her vagina is “closed” without uttering a single word.

On April 11, Fox appeared to free more than just the nipple while posing for paparazzi in Los Angeles, wearing a black blazer off the shoulder so low, it sat below her breast, while her layered white skirt appeared to be rucked up to expose her groin. However, upon second glance, the 34-year-old Uncut Gems star is clearly wearing a lifelike bikini designed to resemble a hairy breast and vagina with the word closed written on the front of the panties like a tattoo.

Julia Fox is seen on April 11, 2024, in Los Angeles


While this may be her most provocative lingerie look yet (and there are many to choose from), her message is anything but new.

Back in February 2023, Julia Fox told Elle Magazine she was “done” with men and uninterested in dating or having sex. “I want to be left alone. Like, don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, don’t bother me,” she said at the time, before reportedly taking a hit off her vape. “I don’t know…I feel like knowingly engaging in a heterosexual relationship, you are signing yourself up for an unhealthy dynamic.”

She continued, “At the end of the day, a wife and a prostitute are both doing the same thing, but the prostitute is doing it with different men and the wife does it with the same man—they just put a fancy label on it.”

You know the saying about wearing your heart on your sleeve? Julia Fox’s latest look is kind of like the literal version of that! Meanwhile, she completed the daring ensemble with a sleek platinum blowout and bleached brows, a look she has described as “man repellent.”


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