Lauterbach appoints special representatives to clarify mask purchases

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Berlin. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) wants to shed light on the expensive mask purchases at the beginning of the corona pandemic. Lauterbach told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” that he has appointed former State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Defense Margaretha Sudhof (SPD) as information officer for the mask trials. “Mrs. Sudhof should fundamentally address the omissions of the last legislative period and make them transparent,” announced Lauterbach. “She is now cleaning things up, going to every corner.” In a few months, the lawyer will submit a report to him, which could also have personal consequences.

Spahn justifies himself with emergency

At a Bundestag session at the end of June, then Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) justified the 2020 approach: “We had to decide in an emergency, successor Lauterbach said: “If mistakes were made, then they were made.” to be brought to the table, and that clearly seems to have been the case.” documentation procuring masks is highly problematic. It is also necessary to clarify why new direct contracts were concluded after the interruption of the tender in the so-called open procedure due to excessive delivery commitments. In a public call procedure, a public contracting authority concludes a contract with all tenderers.

Lauterbach said that based on current knowledge, his predecessor had the high purchase price of 4.50 euros per mask. Spahn define. He announced that this suspicion against Spahn would be clarified: “The files will now also be secured, archived and evaluated.” Spahn also recommended the logistics company Münsterland Fiege. The headquarters of this company are in his constituency. “Of course, it raises questions when a company is chosen in the minister’s region that is not exactly a global corporation.”

Dispute over 2.3 billion euros

Lauterbach rejected a settlement with the mask suppliers who had accused the ministry of failing to pay and breaching contracts. He said they were considering going to the Federal Court of Justice. There are still around 100 lawsuits pending arising from dormant disputes over mask deliveries, with a total disputed value of 2.3 billion euros.

At this point, the Greens called for a review of the use of taxpayers’ money worth billions of dollars “for weak contracts”. FDP budget politician Karsten Klein said that it was now a question of minimising the risks of excessive purchases, which arose under the CDU’s leadership. The FDP is calling for a study commission to examine Corona policy. Spahn said that they acted according to the motto: “Having is better than needing”. Current Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) was also involved as finance minister and made the money available correctly. (dpa)

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