According to Dr. Belkin, he tried “a little Botox” on her upper face, but Stewart wasn’t a fan. “My eyebrows kind of go up in a V and that looks so unnatural, and I don’t have lines in my forehead,” Stewart said.
“Right, so it’s not really necessary for you,” Dr. Belkin agreed, though he noted that, while it “hasn’t worked well on the upper face,” neuromodulators like Botox have worked really well in the neck.
“I have a nice neck for my age, and a nice jaw line,” Stewart said. “It looks better after you than any at any other time.”
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So while Stewart avoids Botox in her head, she does have neuromodulators, like Botox, injected into her jawline and neck. This is to “reduce the banding on the neck and the downward pull on the face to keep those muscles a little weaker, so the muscles of the cheek can pull,” according to Dr. Belkin.
As for filler? “Filler is sort of controversial these days,” said Dr. Belkin, who conceded that some filler can be “really overdone.” That’s why he makes sure to do it “very conservatively” on Stewart.
“We don’t do it that often,” he said, but when he does, he injects some biostimulatory fillers into her cheeks as well as “a little on the jaw.” Stewart explained this as “giving me more plumpness in my cheeks where [one] tends to get hollower.”
In terms of topical products, there is one Stewart says she can’t live without. “You set me on to something that I love so much and I will not leave the house without it,” she told Dr. Belkin. The product in question? Alastin’s HydraTint Pro Mineral Broad Spectrum Sunscreen.
“I put [it] on every single morning,” she said. “I add to it a little serum and so I thin it out a little tiny bit and I just put it all over my face, all over my chest, all over my lower arms, in my hands, and it works. It really works.”
Other than tweakments and the aforementioned SPF, Dr. Belkin credits Stewart’s healthy lifestyle for much of her youthful radiance—not a face-lift.