Pollen is flying: what really helps against hay fever

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Mild temperatures and sunshine – spring at last. For those who suffer from pollen allergies, this time is also usually the beginning of suffering: the nose runs, the eyes itch, the body is shaken by sneezing. One in four people in Germany suffers from hay fever. And the number of people affected is constantly increasing.

What exactly is hay fever?

Hay fever is an overreaction of the immune system to certain pollens that are harmless to other people. The body of allergy sufferers treats them as pathogens and tries to fight them with antibodies. Among other things, histamines are released in the mucous membranes, which causes reactions such as sneezing, itching, red and swollen eyes or even shortness of breath.

How can you protect yourself from pollen?

Allergy sufferers should avoid allergens to which they react as much as possible. Of course, this doesn’t always work. All you can do is follow a few tips on how to protect yourself as best as possible against pollen.

  • Install pollen screens on windows. There are also pollen filters for cars.
  • Vacuum the apartment regularly with fine particle filters and mop the floor more frequently.
  • Do not take or leave used clothing outside the room.
  • Wash your hair at night to avoid carrying pollen to bed.
  • There are air purifiers for home use that can also filter pollen.
  • Do not hang clothes to air dry.
  • Pay attention to the time of day when ventilating! In the city, ventilate in the morning between 6am and 8am. In the field, at night, between 8pm and midnight.
  • If you have your own garden, avoid known allergens such as birch, alder, poplar and willow. Doctors now also recommend this when it comes to making cities greener.
  • Keep your garden’s grass short, and if you’re allergic to pollen, don’t mow it yourself.
  • If you want a relaxing vacation, plan your vacation based on whether the region is low in pollen.
  • It’s best not to go out until at least 30 to 60 minutes after a rain, because contrary to what is often assumed Pollen concentration initially increases during torrential rain.
    • Use pollen forecast apps and try to follow them whenever possible.

Find out about pollen levels before activities

Allergy sufferers should always know in advance what the pollen level of “their” pollen is if they want to do something outdoors. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) has created a page that Current pollen count at 3-hour intervals for all of Bavaria show.

Also the Pollen count calendar from the German Meteorological Office offers all the important information for allergy sufferers. You should follow this if possible – even if A study from Munich shows that the seasonal pollen forecast reveals only a part of the active pollen.

The allergen calendar gives you a rough overview of when and what flies

An allergen calendar can provide an initial overview of which allergens play a role and when. For example, alder and hazel always open the hay fever season. When exactly this will happen depends largely on the climate and region in which you live.

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